Category Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

category of Best Foreign Film. The film was later in English in 2015 with the same translated name The Secret in Eyes.  The film is about a novel that Benjamin (Ricardo Darín), a retired federal officer, is looking to write. 25 years ago there was a peculiar case in which Benjamin was working and he wants to write the novel about this case. He comes to know Irene (Soledad Villamil) who was the new head of department at that time and now he is a judge. The case was about a girl, Liliana (Carla Quevedo), who was brutally raped and killed.  While they argue about the novel, the 25 -year -old case takes place for the audience. A year later, Benjamin convinces Irene to open the case. Along with this,...

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category, which is a genre aimed at the most adult female public, where they have romantic frames from the prism of adult women. The anime that we will show you below, we consider that they must be seen if you like the genre of love, and therefore we recommend you to take a look. Developing   SOREDEMO SEKAI WA UTSUKUSHII We start the list of romantic anime with Soreedemo Sekai Wa utsukushii, a story where despite the setting is fantasy, it has a realistic touch. It is about a couple who fulfills their mission of marrying, sharing time while together and overcoming their differences to end up falling in love. They always discuss but solve their differences to turn their relationship into...

category that will be read or interpreted by this data or facts. conclusion It is the final, conclusive part of the report. The psychologist will specify and emphasize the evidence found in the analysis of the data from the references adopted, which support the result to which the psychologist arrived, thus supporting the purpose proposed. So that the conclusion of a report is such, then the trial must be in direct line with the facts. Assumptions or hypotheses cannot be part of a psychological report. CONCLUSION STRUCTURE: It is the objective, directly, part, where after brief considerations the psychologist exposes the result. After this narrative, the report is concluded, with the...

category of cinema there have been great directors who have marked footprint in the world, not only for the popularity of their films, but for the values and properties that give the receiver knowledge, among them are Stanley Kubrick, Alfred Hitchcock or Martin ScorseseRecognized for their extensive and successful filmography, however, when a new generation, the ideology and characteristics of their films describe them change, but the one that has highlighted the most has been Christopher Nolan a director and writer who has a peculiarity that the plasma in eachone of its films and that is a relationship with time and its factors. Its filmographic repertoire has renowned films such as the trilogy of...

category between the legal evidence and the free conviction that has been an intermediate type The healthy criticism according to jurisprudence is what leads to the discovery of truth by the media that establishes reason and rational criteria, put in trial. The healthy criticism according to the legislation: seeing the evidence with the rules of healthy criticism, the Court must publicize the legal and logical reasons, in terms of assigning value or dismissal. Test assessment. The judges will appreciate the evidence according to the rules of healthy criticism. Consequently, the principles of logic, the maxims of experience and scientifically consolidated knowledge cannot contradict Motivation of...

category. The character makes the position, not the position to the character. Anatomy of the individual in office, lasting only one year. These three arcantes are the oldest. Families that are turned to the different positions, speaking of the eupátridas, being the aristocracy in Athens. With a training like the one we have seen, with your requirement. We know that it occurs because it looks in information that brings us. Also for crisis responses. CILÓN: Mount a tyranny in Athens, in the acropolis giving the center of Athens.  That he was a winner of Olympia being rich, but he will not get because his enemies is an Alcmeónid family being Megacles who was a very important person, because he...

category, because among the weak and undecided characters, the recognition of several enemies marks too easily the beginning of the doubt of the doubt of itselfrectitude" Hitler found this common denominator in the Jews, whom he identified both with Bolshevism and a kind of cosmic evil. The Jews had to be discriminated not according to their religion but according to their ‘race’. Nazism declared that Jews, whatever their educational and social development, would be fundamentally different and hostile for Germans. Nazism tried to reconcile conservative and nationalist ideology with a socially radical doctrine. In doing so, it became a deeply revolutionary movement, although to a large...

category, there are several types of muscle injuries that we can suffer playing football. From contractures to elongations, going through tears and breaks. Any level of muscle injury is possible when we are running 90 minutes, changing rhythm, sucking and jumping. And as we have seen before, they are injuries that will mainly affect the muscles of the leg and the thigh. Knee In the knee two of the main serious soccer injuries occur. First, we have meniscus injuries. This structure is likely to injure high -impact sports. That is, when there are jumps and clashes that abruptly compress the femur against the tibia. Second, cross ligament breaks. These ligaments fulfill the vital function of...