Development Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

development of the investigation, the system is chosen by batches, which consisted of installing two 72 l glass tanks of domestic wastewater each for later treatment with macrophytes. The parameters to evaluate domestic waste2010-minam) in this way to determine whether the plants were efficient when removing the values with which the water entered the tanks. In both systems, aquatic plants maintain the conditions of aerobic degradation of organic matter and filtered sediments, thanks to its roots, where an intense activity of microorganisms develops. After all the work done, it was concluded that the Eichhornia Crassipes is more efficient in the removal of parameters, since it is well below the...

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development of virtual class sessions, technical inconveniences could be presented that could affect the teaching process. Likewise, not all students would be in the same conditions, since some have greater facilities to access this form of education, while for others it could be a challenge both for the location in which they are and the Internet access of thatregion as for access to devices that allow them to access their classes. Another disadvantage for students is that virtual education leads to greater autonomy and effort on the part of the student so that they can organize their time and thus fulfill all their tasks, I mean this as a disadvantage, since as we know not all studentsThey manage...

development of work stress and this turns out to be an initial indicator of serious disorders such as Burnout syndrome. Therefore performing an early intervention at this point could help us prevent serious damage to the working population. Developing External violence is defined as any incident in which a person is mistreated, threatened or assaulted at work and that endangers their safety, health, well -being or their performance generated by people outside the workplace aimed at a Person during your workday, it is considered in addition to services due to the type of activity that represents health care, in the case of health workers, these aggressions are generated in their largest by patients...

development at the same time. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the observations of the poetic voice route and its advances go to the rhythm in which the reader reads. But not only a sonnet with traditional structural format with innovative theme is appreciated, but Lope de Vega breaks with literary schemes and literary concepts also also. This is a reflection of one of the ideas in the article by Aurora Egido, who says that baroque poets: Each their way, rejected or transformed the inherited precepts and based their findings in the sign of an emulation that intended to turn the predicaments of poetic discourse into new rules. According to the academic, writers like Lope de Vega were looking...

development of the central character is narrated from his childhood to his adulthood, emphasizing the awakening and then aboveIts maturation process, so it maintains the reader's attention directly in the growth of the hero. Developing The Bildungsroman designation is found in Manuel López. This genre describes the development of a protagonist from innocence to experience, is the one who is usually masculine and is exposed to a series of transformations throughout his life. But, literary critics also explored the Bildungsroman from the diversity of female gender that reflects the attention of the formation of a young woman towards emotional and social maturity. As a variation in literature. It is...

development, in fact, heConsider that this category of video games encourages interpersonal relationships, since young people who delight in these activities will enter to be part of players' communities, and that in the search to achieve a common goal, participants will work as a team, which generates ainteraction between them, therefore, this type of connection will be propitious to the creation of new friendships. In this regard, Martínez (2018) points out that: This type of communication offers some anonymity to the participants, since these cannot be seen in person (whether from different socio -economic, age, religious, professionals, etc.). Being less aware of their differences and...

development of the story we can find many reasons why the Jew decided to collect his garment, even beyond the payment of money, among which we could mention revenge or simple whim as he expresses it;However, these are not legal reasons that compete to analyze for what we will focus on the following. Can a State, through its laws sanction or punish a person who had the right to act as the Jew did? Probably many are the possible theories in the face of this question, for this reason we will begin by saying whether or not, by the Jew, an acquired right. We observe that, in the development of the trial, the Jew is granted the collection of the garment given in guarantee, a pound of flesh of Antonio, in...

development of the subject. This activity allowed me to understand the work in its true dimension, so I consider an excellent teaching method to know in depth a work. conclusion Fiodor Dostoevski belonging to Russian realism, was one of the greatest exponents of this literary current with its cusp work crime and punishment, a widely reflective novel that breaks mental schemes in the reader. Dostoevski, who was born on November 11, was one of the transcendental writers in Russia. The unexpected death of his mother, originated the transfer of Dostoevski to St. Petersburg, where he began his studies, there flourished his indomitable passion for literature, and began as a writer. Felodor, highlighted...