Violante Lope De Vega Makes A Habitual Composition Of A Sonnet

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Violante Lope de Vega makes a habitual composition of a sonnet


In the poem a sonnet commands me to make Lope de Vega a habitual composition of a sonnet with two quartets, two thirds, consonant rhyme in all endecasyllables, etc. However, although in the construction of the sonnet Lope de Vega, he maintains a formal unit, the reader can see that the text lacks feelings. Instead of showing emotion, in each verse the poetic voice is showing through false modesty the difficulty of an assignment she has, just like the achievement she is getting after trying to fulfill this commission.


The poem begins: a sonnet commands me to make a rape, that in my life I have seen myself as squeeze. However, the poet later wrote: I thought he would not find consonant, and I am in the middle of another quartet. These verses teach a parallel narrative of difficulties and results in the mission of the poetic voice, which is revealed that it is to write a sonnet. Within the sonnet the poetic voice speaks of a sonnet (what is known as metapoesy) and while narrating how to write a sonnet, the reader can see the development at the same time.

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the observations of the poetic voice route and its advances go to the rhythm in which the reader reads. But not only a sonnet with traditional structural format with innovative theme is appreciated, but Lope de Vega breaks with literary schemes and literary concepts also also. This is a reflection of one of the ideas in the article by Aurora Egido, who says that baroque poets:

Each their way, rejected or transformed the inherited precepts and based their findings in the sign of an emulation that intended to turn the predicaments of poetic discourse into new rules.

According to the academic, writers like Lope de Vega were looking at the rules of poetic composition (in this case that of a sonnet) to criticize them completely and invent new rules. In a sonnet commands me to make violating this criticism based on the irony of the courtly game. This is not very surprising, since the novelty in the creation of genres and styles was supported by the baroque invention that was removing ground to the theory of Renaissance imitation. In other words, baroque poetry started from imitation to Renaissance poetry, or used it as a starting point and reference to seek the mixture and/or contrast of themes, genres, styles and finally, the novelty.


Likewise, Baroque poets used the theory of Renaissance imitation as a starting point to seek a new way of expressing beauty in poetry. For this reason, Lope de Vega’s thought is expressed in a careful and refined way in his poem, achieving harmony between the structure of his text and the subject. The exuberance is the baroque characterizing feature, but exceeding readers’ expectations are an essential part in literary creation during this period.  

Free Violante Lope De Vega Makes A Habitual Composition Of A Sonnet Essay Sample

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