Biological Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

biological perspective explores the biological basis of all social behavior, including morality. Sociobiologists study human societies from the biological bases of animals' social behaviors, such as territoriality, social systems, etc. This perspective was proposed by Edward Osborne Wilson, who is an entomologist and biologist and is known for his evolution and partner biology work. In this perspective Wilson wanted to focus on the evolutionary and biological bases of behavior, using the influence of Darwinian theory of evolution. Wilson, together with Bert Holldobler, conducted a systematic study of ants and ants behavior, and culminated in 1990 the work of ants. The behavior of ants explains it...

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biological problems facing adolescents Introduction This essay shows an important point and that is key in this issue, is that young people seek their identity, and on certain occasions they tend to fall into acceptance, this leads them to do things that at an extreme point becomes suffering and limitationWhen they reach the point of total rejection, depression begins, this leads to being lonely, changes in adolescents that are so radical are noticed. The purpose of this essay, with respect to this issue, is to realize and pay more attention to adolescents, since we often do them aside and do not realize what is happening in your life. And most of the time we let so much time that when we are...

biological and psychological factors. The treatment should not be reduced to the use of occlusal guards. Developing In restless legs syndrome (SPI), it has a multifactorial etiology, although it is characterized by an unpleasant and deep sensation in the extremities, which increases with rest and partially or completely improvement with movement and present a clear circadian pattern. Typical manifestations are not the cause of consultation, given that chronicity causes the development of strategies, which allows it to deal with parstesthesia, which implies a sub diagnosis. So it is necessary to apply standardized and validated scales for our population intentionally to show symptoms associated with...

biological agents of the external environment. The skin participates in body homeostasis (internal balance) with thermoregulation and hydration. It helps us to transmit sensations thanks to the receptors found in it such as: laminar corpuscles/ paccini (recognize the sensation of pressure and vibration and are quick adaptation), tactile corpuscles/ meissner (fast adaptation, help us identify the surfaceof objects and are sensitive to vibration), Krauser corpuscles (cold sensitivity), Merkel records (help us identify object characteristics) and ruffini corpuscles (sensitive to touch and pressure, these are slow adaptation). Substance excretion by means of Ecro and apocrine sweat glands and sebaceous...

biological, which accompanies oppressive regulations, and even a punitive racism, to be able to justify actionsadministrative and legal-national that try to reduce, in the most extensive sense, guarantees and rights that have been recognized since they are due to social struggles. With which, a legal act that advocates the respect of human dignity and very much on the contrary, the restrictive measures are the constant, retreating that solid states of law are...

Biological dimension: It includes both anatomical and physiological characteristics that differentiate human beings in men and women. It is related to sex or external and internal sexual organs that begin in conception and develop when they reach puberty. Its function is fundamentally reproductive. Developing. Referred to all female or male physical characteristics determined genetically, for example: men: the development of musculature in adolescents, the enroncy of the voice, the widening of the thorax, growth both of the pubic, axillary and facial hair in addition to the development in addition to the developmentof the penis. In women there is: increase in bust, hip widery, growth of the uterus...

biological that all at some point or in several we will experience, there are people who will end up having relationships or masturbating, but this is not the thing of the other world as long as we areIn our bockals and completely agree that this...