Biological Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

biological characteristics of these disorders, as we will present later.  Early starting psychosis are defined as those that appear before 18 years. Morel in 1890 makes one of the first descriptions in the medical literature of a child with symptoms that would be compatible with a psychosis. At the beginning of the 20th century with the descriptions of Kraepelin (14 -year -old boy with early dementia), Sanctis (“Dementis praecocisimma”) or heller (“Children's Dementia”) (Mardomingo, 1994), the existence of psychosis in thechildhood and adolescence. However, the nosological value of psychosis (schizophrenia) in children has been discussed for years. In the first part of the twentieth...

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biological process of childhood. It begins at the time of fertilization of the ovule and extends until the maturation of the bones ends and sexual development is completed, which usually happens, towards the end of the second decade of life. It does not represent only an increase in body size, but it entails a progressive maturation of all organs and systems that leads the individual to acquire a complete functional capacity. Boys and girls grow and mature differently. Girls begin with puberty between 10 and 11 years of age and quickly start the pubertal stretch, while boys do the same between the age of 12 and 13 and still take about a year to start the stretch. Regarding the potential for growth...

biological support or scaffolding. In this case they are substances that serve as a guide and tutor for stem cells, such as hydroxyapatite and fibrin. Cell therapy is a near future The advance in investigations with regenerative cell therapy is unstoppable. It will not spend too much time until it is incorporated as a treatment option in sports medicine. Laws are still adapted and increase knowledge on long -term effects, but the results are already promising. The professional sport of elite is the first space to try it, and over time its use in amateur athletes will be...

biological or symbolic family circles, and the characteristics that differentiate themof other beliefs, such as the importance of the human physicist, the mental and psychological environment, the practices with magical or empirical principles and other rational principles that do not have a concrete explanation. In Puerto Rico, among the set of popular knowledge we find spiritualism, which is defined as the “belief that psychic phenomena are due to spirits that remain interested in human beings and try to come into contact through a medium;that is, a person capable of contacting both worlds ”(Tapia, B., 2018, p. 101). The spiritualist science had its origin in the second half of the nineteenth...

biological and genetic diversity, the right of citizensof a free and pollution environment, the ecological balance and to consume quality items. conclusion Additionally, there are the Organic Law of the Environment, Criminal Law of the Environment, Law of Planning of the Territory and Law of Biological Diversity, which regulate the use of ecological spaces and the integral protection of the environment;In addition to this Venezuela has signed agreements such as the Agreement on Biological Diversity in 1992, ratified in 1994 in which it is contemplated to avoid genetically modified organisms. Dear readers despite the opposition of some countries, environmental groups and non -governmental...

biological predisposition to be carried out. His method was based on that of natural sciences, that is, following empirical knowledge, through statistics and observation, criminal behavior could be identified. The ecological approach to the criminal phenomenon means studying any phenomenon from the influence of human aggregation forms in which the different groups are distributed in space, in the case of crime, how the area where people live inCriminality rates. The first factor that we must develop is that developed by Park, who says that we are facing a parallel between the increase in crime and the increase in the city's population, the passage from rural life to another urban, calling this...