ACT Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

activities of people who visit their home and office.  Through them we obtain a record of what happens in addition to providing us with mental tranquility by discouraging a possible robbery. The simplest cameras that we can find are the interior and most likely the most economical. They do not need a protection housing or mechanisms as a night vision, since there is usually permanent lighting during the hours that supervision is needed. On the contrary, an external camera tends to require better qualities. The first of these is that it is clearly visible, followed by considerable weather resistance, it must also have IP66 (water resistance) and night vision. Something that you should also keep in...

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acts, within which three types of scenes are recorded, they usually develop inside the house. The interposition he had towards the norms was very evident, however, it was characterized by writing works of metaphorical titles that maintained a very soft but very direct content, in the argument of ‘‘ dollhouse ’’ describes the real environment of society. On March 20, 1828, Henri Johan Ibsen was born, raised by a working family who, in a very short period, the businesses broke up to such an extent that the parents of parents took the decision to separate, since they thought it was the best. This reason raised with Ibsen's parents, it was because they were afraid that society would criticize...

act of reason, something that only the human being has as finite rational subjects. Kant explains: In the practical domain there is nothing prior to this fact, from what we could derive this awareness: nor from another idea of pure reason, such as freedom (because we do not have an immediate awareness of this as a positive concept);nor from an empirical fact, obviously, because from any data of the experience a law can be derived as such.  It has become accustomed to estimating that Kant's formulation on the fundamental principle of practical reason, the categorical imperative domain, would serve as a supreme principle from which it would be used to derive or deduct in a clean and systematic way,...

act territory, especially the initial elaboration and deviation of controlled substances, money laundering, illicit trade, narcotics manufacturing, provision and expense centers. Developing In the world in which we live the social environment has had the greatest influence, more problems have been increased and without a doubt a much discussed topic is about the problems and abuse of drugs in individuals, they often charge lives of adults,including minors, making them side of society as useful people for the environment;It is for this reason that problems are given such as: abuse in homes, abuse of minors, suicides, migration, poverty, low self - esteem, insecure personality, lack of precise goals...

act, the real tries to transfer him to his dreams: "I was looking for a soul that deserved to participate in the universe" (Borges, 1944, p.59) The man created from dreams is an imaginary intuition structure, a work that is generated through fire and sleep, but what would happen if Demiurge himself, as a creator, was the result of another dreamer. The same is considered Woolf because when he is in his room and draws a man, he refers to dreams as a free activity, in which dreams understood as an internal truth rise to the surface. In this sense, the relationship of man with knowledge would be enigmatic, such as the compendium of the circular ruins where the stranger is. Also in the Babylon...

act, it is thanks to this reason, specific to the human species, that man can reach happiness (defined as Ataraxia), whatever the circumstances of hislife. The Stoics move away from pleasure and lust and adopt continence and sobriety, going back to the interior of themselves to find happiness or "eudaimonia". In Stoic Greek thought (Crisipo, Cleantes, Zenón ...) True ethics is only attainable in the philosophical system of science. The correct use of reason, through knowledge, makes virtue and happiness possible, which are two sides of the same currency, since scientific knowledge is a condition of virtuous action, and in turn, virtue is unthinkable withoutKnowledge, so that perfecting...

actice (police, courts, prisons and army) and in political practice (head of state, government and administration). The State (repressive) apparatus of the State is the State itself, which is a force of repressive execution and intervention "at the service of the ruling classes" in the class struggle developed by the bourgeoisie and its allies against the proletariat. The power of the State (taking or conservation of the power of the State, that is, who handles it or how to manage it) is the objective of the political struggle while the State apparatus itself is the repressive apparatus that we already talked abouthigher. The fight between classes is for those who handle that device. The...

actions of another person. It is opposed to trust, which consists in believing a hypothesis that is expected without uncertainties, that is, having the assurance that something happens as expected, or someone acts in a certain way. Distrust of making us see what does not exist is a great enemy in our social relationships. Aristotle said: virtue is in the middle term the key is balance, trusting oneself without believing blindly in someone we just met, but either by feeding distrust about that prevents us from meeting other people and being happy. (2014, page. 10) In this regard, Elias (1987: 485) says: “When the structures of social functions allow the individual to act under the influence of...