Data Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

data and analyzing the commercials that are carried out in the web traffic. Collect the data, store and do a user navigation behavior procedure.  Internet Movie Database (IMDB) Its Spanish translation is a database of films on the Internet, this page stores all that information that is connected with films, series and television programs, video games or means of visual entertainment, from the production team to production toThe main actors. Amazon bought the website in 1998.  Twitch The Twitch platform service offers live videos, known as streaming, acquired by Amazon in 2014. The main approach of the page are video game and transmissions of events related to video games such as eSports, among...

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data of the experience a law can be derived as such.  It has become accustomed to estimating that Kant's formulation on the fundamental principle of practical reason, the categorical imperative domain, would serve as a supreme principle from which it would be used to derive or deduct in a clean and systematic way, all rules of conduct (maximum moral);and that having the possession of said correct maxims, they would apply to all the actions that fall on said maximum. On the one hand, this assumption is partially wrong;The fundamental practical principle requires that only the maximum of the actions can always be worth as a "universal legislation", which inevitably implies a kind of...

data and the collective consideration eternally relative quota, the individual axiom, being in that time humanity, and not the individual, the union of original determination of...

data of the sector: The number of spectators in Spain that reserve tickets for shows after closure has been reduced during the last month to only 10%. 50% of Spaniards would not attend a live theatrical event Only 10% percent of the Spaniards would go to a closed event. The population requires capacity limitations that the sector cannot be allowed. The regulations require unasumable interpersonal distances. Hope is the last thing you lose. All the planet's industries are needing to adapt, with the arrival of platforms such as Netflix and YouTube, income can be generated if the need to meet with the public in person.   With Twitch, theater actors can broadcast their shows live, on this...

Data Practices Training for decision making. This knowledge is linked to the control of goals and objectives, so this specialist will be able to evaluate the progress of the organization from indicators. The career allows to generate a network of contacts of professionals and organizations that point to the preservation of the environment. This network constitutes a fundamental support when exercising in practice the function. Enables the consultation of doubts and the generation of collaborative actions from these fluid links.  Specialization in Environmental Management opens the doors to a growing labor market. The world moves in this direction and, therefore, the business sector accompanies the...

data measured directly on another planet. 1969: Mariners 6 and 7 are approaching 3. 431 kilometers away from the surface of the planet Mars. 70's. 1970: Veneras 7 probes make the first landing with hits in Venus. 1971: Mariners 9 probes send the first photos des Marte. That same year, Marss 2 and Marss 3 of the Soviet Union arrive on the red planet. The Soviet Union becomes the first powers that you manage to deposit an exploration vehicle (mobile star) remotely controlled by the Marss 3 probe on the surface. 1972: landing des uruns 8 on the surface of Venus. 1974: Mariners 10 probes reach the venus and subsequently mercury planets with the mission to explore their surfaces, atmospheres and physical...

Data obtaining method The different groups or stages of sound frequencies are put in an audio application, in this case in "Gold Wave". The experiment consists of 5 stages where in each one we find three sound frequencies, with 600 Hz intervals between them. Each stage has a duration of 3 minutes (1 minute per frequency). Also, once a stage is finished, a minute of rest is given to the participant, so the test lasts a total of 20 minutes. Sound frequency in Hertz (Hz). In this first table, the data of the 30 volunteers who were subjected to this test were taken, where as already explained in the data obtaining method, the heart rate was measured with a pulsimeter every 60 seconds, so for...