Control Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

control functions within society, Kant closely links the notions of justice and external freedom, understood as autonomy or independence regarding the discretion of others. For Kant, justice, rather than a personal quality, is a collective ideal: peaceful coexistence between free people. Freedom differs from unfair arbitration - according to Kant - in which it can coexist with the freedom of others according to a universal maximum. Taking as a starting point those said by Kant, we can begin to group principles that society has associated with its structure during evolution, having justice, freedom are basis for the collective ideal;But as it is established that it is not only important that society...

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control hysterical symptoms. So far it is important to contextualize these events, since from ancient ages hysteria were known as a characterized pathology a lack of sexual satisfaction in women that was engendered in the uterus and as from a culture perspective and the current legal framework all allThese treatments would be considered sexual abuse today and in the end there is a possibility that they did not resolve the true conflict that existed in the person. Nor was validity or the opportunity to listen to patients about what it really happened to them and used these violent methods without having the right to comment. From the middle of the thirteenth century, paradigms are changed, and...

control systems fail and an uncontrolled growth is caused, which produces the appearance of a tumor.According to the National Cancer Institute (NIH) there are three types of uterus cancer: endometrium cancer, the most common, cervical cancer and uterine sarcoma. The latter is more complicated to treat and is usually evil. Likewise, the growth of tumor cells can be uncontrolled and infiltrate the adjacent tissues, or migrate to other organs and initiate a metastasis process. Therefore, depending on the location of the nodule or tumor we can classify tumor into three subtypes: Local: either because it spreads towards the cervix or towards the outside, towards the myometrium. Lymphatic: The...

control. The best results are achieved by maintaining an adequate air volume and controlling the breathing well. If not the voice sounds weak and the broken speech. The widest zone of the lungs is not at the top of the chest, which seems greater due to shoulder bones, are just above the diaphragm. This muscle is subject to the lower ribs and separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal. Personal contribution The voice is the means by which the words are expressed, it is a fundamental element, and we must take care of it, and use it properly, in many cases in the work environment, the oral expression will be the letter of presentation, since it shows our essence, and also reveals many aspects of...

control and product processing.(Polloqueri, Quehpe, Vargas, & Álvarez, 2014). To this day, the manufacture of pharmaceutical products implies the use of organic molecules that require several chemical steps and strong energy use. This product also generates abundant amounts of harmful waste for the environment (and usually toxic). Within certain pharmaceutical products are the so -called neighborhood diamines, which contain chemical links, a bioactive base for medicine (MPG, 2017) Chemists and chemical engineers with their hard work have helped the evolution of modern medicine through the development of novel pharmaceutical products, the creation of new medical equipment and refining the...

control the sadness, stress and anxiety that causes to be locked up, if we add children running, a couple that does not understand you, demands at work and school, a possible unemployment thatIt gets closer and more to be a reality, we should certainly what is called a "time bomb". The fights between couple become more and more recurring and that is that in a country like ours where the economic crisis will be accentuated in a deeper way and the conditions where most Mexican families live do not go out to clear their gardenOn the roof, they are giving a situation of despair to many people. In Mexico only during this period about 500 thousand jobs have been lost, and the unemployment rate...

control ahead of time, since it had been scheduled for fifteen days, this is done to analyzethe types of behavior, in this case prisoners and prisoners and their psychological reactions according to the situational conditions of the role of each. On the other hand, in chapters ten and eleven, Zimbardo makes the product of his investigation known, in the same way he points out the strengths and weaknesses of the methodology I use, it also gives its analysis of the psychological part of the voluntary participants of the volunteer of theresearch at the end and the methods I use to return to reality. With respect to the twelve and thirteen chapters, Zimbardo refers to based on the research carried out,...