Contribution Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

contributions of the same. As the machine era helped evolution in the profession that I will exercise in the future. In turn, I will present some concepts that were very complex for me in the course. In which I could not retain what learned in this same. What are the humanities, for me the humanities are the study we use to understand what are the arts, science and literature. Each of these concepts have passed since time for a common good in humanity. So much so that he sought to build the human being and placed him as the center of everything. The human being was able to learn different tasks or jobs. In turn, the machine era also arrived that was an era where the machines were the main...

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contribution to the geophysical yearInternational proposed by the UN. The United States does not like the idea of having a Soviet ball of 80 kilos flying over their territory continuously for months. This caused the so -called Sputnik crisis, which led to the DARPA foundation to develop military space technology, and NASA to develop civil space technology. Mercury program The first American manned space program was the Mercury program. The Mercury ship was a capsule bar. To man Mercury capsules, the first group of American astronauts, known as Mercury 7, were chosen, all outstanding military pilots with a lot of experience in test flights and a very high level technical training. In the period...

contribution to society and for the search for truth. They are commonly used tools in the resolution of crimes or police cases and achieve this taking advantage of some shortcomings of these platforms, such as the ability to act under anonymity. Product of the fingerprint that each individual leaves when using the Internet, these platforms allow to obtain a significant number of clues to solve crimes. According to a study conducted to 1221 professionals in charge of compliance with laws in the United States, "67% ensure that crimes are resolved faster through the use of social networks" (S/A, 2012). In addition to this, 4 out of 5 police officers use these tools as help to solve crimes,...

contribution to the economy, talent, passion and creativity. So much so that there is a positive relationship between the financial performance of a company and women who occupy management positions, increase sales up to 42% and 66% the speed of intervened capital. conclusion I can say that as women we have by law the same rights as men, however they do not make it valid as well as men, for the reason for being a woman we know or we can do less than men. But today there are more established laws that allow us to generate or participate in labor areas, in various...

contribution which is less than 5% of the real total value ofThe medicines. In these countries unlike the United States there are no power or pressure groups that use health services for their own benefit, a fact that happens on the other hand in the United States where everything is governed by private health institutions that do not see thehealth services as an indispensable and free right but as a business. Taking advantage of all those who paid their medical insurance and rejected the payment of medical accounts. We must also add that there are around 63 million people who do not have medical insurance and thinking about the idea that if there is a person who has their insurance rejects the...

contribution to economic thinking and sciencesocial. We can catalog Smith's methodology as literary, it is a mixture of deductive theory with historical description, used a clear empirical method when narrating and explaining what happened within production. Smith's main interest was about the way in which political issues affected economic growth and development, focusing on the measures that promote the richness of a nation against the issue of shortage. It was faithful supporter of the Laissez Faire, a policy with which, according to Smith, a maximum rate of per capita income of the economy would be achieved. Within production, "the division of labor causes a proportional increase in the...

contribution of certain areas of biology such as systematic and other disciplines such as molecular evolution and its contribution in the analysis of the origins of this cellular structure: mitochondria, it was possible to explain why the genome of this organelle It has different characteristics from those of the nucleus genome, a phenomenon caused because at first the mitochondria was an independent cell, for this reason it has its own nucleus with different characteristics, among which we can mention the high amount of mtdna that mitochondria pos can go 1.000 and 10.000 copies of mtdna organized in the nucleoids of the mitochondrial matrix, structurally this helical mtdna has two chains, one light...