Contribution Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

contribution of significant development and sustainastence of free schools and societies and also communities. By working in the realization of that purpose, I should steer the university and lecturers to teach democratically minded academics that can powerfully help my classmates to the core mission of being citizens and citizen leaders. This can be effective by educating them to be democratically and to be creative and also caring and being productive citizens of a society which is very democratic. To achieve this mission I can lead in the development of university – community partnerships, they help to solve problems which are universal for instance poverty, substantial health care and also...

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contribution of communication in performance business appraisal cannot be measured. Therefore, this makes communication practically invisible as an element of success within the firm. In many organizations, they put more emphasis on the physical contributors thus ignoring the problems caused by the invisible elements like communication. However, this is a big mistake in the organization as whole since most organizations’ ineffectiveness is caused by lack of communication or poor communication (HCareers, 2008). Consequently, in a case where the management of the company concentrates a lot in solving the visible problems, and at the same time they ignore the invisible factor then it will be...

Contributions Kelley contributed the following in her life; she improved the living and working conditions for children and women; in this regard, she advocated for women rights that resulted in the reduction of the average working hours. On the other hand, she formed organizations such as the NYCLC that helped in the exclusion of children from the labor industry. The improved living and working conditions were later integrated into the constitution forming a fundamental basis of the labor laws. Kelley assisted in the establishment of the current improved prenatal care for children and women; this was established with the aim of reducing the mortality rate among infants and pregnant mothers. The...

contribution to America. He is widely considered as the best president America has ever had who ended slavery. Booth was infamous for assassinating him. Lincoln is “murdered” on a daily basis, and this is evidence of how the real Lincoln’s work is killed through acts of racism and segregation. The issue of class is also evident in the title. Lincoln has a decent and honest job, a place he could call home and seems to be living a better life than his younger brother is. He is, therefore, the top dog. His little brother’s life is the complete opposite, as he does not have a job, has been kicked out and his life seems to be worse off. The theme of greed is also advanced through the way both...

contribution to modern morality and ethics. Both philosophers have different ideas concerning what makes an action or character ethical. Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill differ on the moral system but they both agree on the approaches to morality. Therefore, Kant and Mill ideas concerning happiness, duty, and morality are significant to scrutinize as both of them are important philosophers. Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill suggest different beliefs on how to judge moral value of an action, the rapport between the moral and natural good and their duty. According to Immanuel Kant, provided an action is reasoned, it is definitely moral. What drives an action concludes its moral worthiness. He...

contribution to the workforce is significantly affected. A reliable workforce can only be maintained when the officers are in good shape and health It is universally accepted that law enforcement is one of the most stressful occupations throughout the world. The police have to work in long shifts and also interact with stubborn citizens who at times identify them as enemies. The dangers of working as a police include frequent confrontations with the public as well as law breakers. Their chances of being injured in such confrontations are significantly high. Moreover, the exposure of the police to harsh environments puts them at risk of infections and being ill. In addition to handling stress at...

contribution to the people. However, such people are still relevant to the society. The aim of this essay is to response to the positives and the negatives arising from a character known as Ove in Fredrick Blackman's novel and the implication that it has in the lives of the people in the society. I have come to love this book. It is heart-warming, heart-breaking, and funny and shows the goodness that people have and how other people display that in a little different way. The book is basically about this character called Ove that all combine into an excellent all-encompassing storyline. He becomes one of the most loveable characters and one who is so complex. The book is humorous, profound and also...