Community Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

community without worrying about its consequences, that is, the unplanned incremental urban growth than toOften it is considered unsustainable.  Bhatta et al, support that, despite having a controversy on the precise interpretation of the expansion, there is a general agreement, where urban expansion is characterized by being a pattern of an unplanned increase or growth, which is manifested in a mannerunequal, driven by endless processes that lead to an inefficient use of various resources. Employment growth is another indicator of development and appearance of urban expansion, which forces communities to depend on the car, therefore it can be defined as patterns located in a geographically...

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community that was not in good condition. One of those who had the greatest reach was that of the "student volunteer" that incorporated students to be able to participate and collaborate in solving social problems. To which, seeing that measures to be able to establish it were created in 2014, Minedu implemented the MSW from the promulgation of University Law No. 30220, which dates social responsibility as the basis of university life. According to (Minedu, 2014), “Social responsibility is the ethical and effective management of the impact generated by the University in society. Contributes to sustainable development and well -being throughout the student community as in society ”. And...

community. Therefore, the growing concern for university evaluation and accreditation is explained, in particular the teaching quality, due to the fundamental importance of the university in reorienting its social function, experiencing important changes, expanding strongly Your scope of action. In particular, its commitment to the solution of the country's social problems, its role as the main generator of useful knowledge to national development and their responsibility in the training of cultured professionals, with technical, political and social capacity appropriate to their reality. The observation of the higher educational reality of our continent allows us to affirm that, although there are...

community prevention after World War II, the Cold War and the emergence of the Soviet UnionLike a world power. The revolution was led by the July 26 Movement, a group of young people and intellectuals with nationalist, anti -imperialist and democratic ideals. After and during the revolution, the party covered communist ideals and political, mainly to obtain military and financial support from the Soviet Union, its only possible ally. This caused the country to alienate the other Latin countries, and returned to Cuba in a target for the United States during the Cold War, which led to events such as the invasion of the Bay of pigs and numerous murder attempts to Fidel Castro, the leader of the...

community for the reports of raids in at least six states“ concerns grow in the immigrant community, especially among undocumented with some type of background or debts with justice."Every day that passes the life of an undocumented grows more dangerous and more fearful when the life of a documented grows safer and more safely we must help the undocumented people because 90% of the time what they want to work is to live a better...

community. But we must not forget the many other ufologists, who for years have tried individually or in small groups and associations ‘study’ UFOs with the few media at their fingertips. How they did it? Mainly collecting testimonies. Testimony is the main entrance door to the study of unidentified flying objects. Therefore, ufologists go tirelessly to the field, to those who claim to have observed something strange. Then we must try to ask questions without directing the witness, trying to obtain information about distances, form, light. See if the witness varies in his descriptions, try to find other OVNI observers to try to verify the facts. When you are a ufologist you have to try to put...

community, which causes or has a lot of chances of causing injuries, death, psychological damage, developmental disorders or deprivations ”(World Health Organization). Violence against children and adolescents includes physical and mental abuse and abuse, negligent abandonment, exploitation and abuse. It can affect the physical and mental health of children, harm their ability to learn and socialize, in the most serious cases, violence against children leads to death (UNICEF). Developing The terms violence and aggressiveness are usually used as synonyms, for which a brief explanation of the difference between the two terms is written. Aggressiveness is an innate behavior that automatically...

community that are manifested through a precept that consolidates the protection of the victim and the assurance of the ordering. There are criminal acts that cause high victimization, since, in certain crimes, the imbalance is consubstantial to the parties themselves, always and in any case, thus relegating mediation to assumptions of little gravity and impossible, therefore, mediationFor many cases. In this type of cases the victim would win and not the victim, since the dialogue can hardly occur given the victimization picture of that after the crime commission. Certain criminal illicit causes in the victim a deep primary victimization that causes an almost reverential fear of the victimizer that...

community, cultural values ​​and representations. It is important to highlight that basically reading is the maximum achievement of man, perhaps the most wonderful invention of the human mind and a process so complex that his interpretation would be equivalent to understanding how the mind works. Reading is the ability of a human being to be able to decode and interpret new knowledge, and then interact with their previous knowledge and make significant...