Community Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

community When talking about gender violence in most cases, there is a reference to women, overlooking that it is a problem that affects both children, adults, men and all kinds of person, for that reason it is necessary to know more Thoroughly the damages and prejudices that it has caused, being a living and clear example of the LGBTI population that in a dejected case is currently considering a taboo subject, a topic that is overlooked by falling into the inaccuracy and ignorance LGBT are the acronym that identify the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender words. To get to know and identify themselves as such in the 1950s it was not easy, starting because people still did not accept that there...

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community: toxic) They have a certain degree of addiction In the latter I am going to focus on the addiction towards video games. This is not a great mystery, video games are highly addictive, but why?, This is due to the great variety they offer us and for all types of people, from a person who likes to explore to another one who likes action, or the two genres together. Obviously there are many more video game genres, and they are mainly addictive, because they offer what people are looking for. Games can also be great distractors and since parents buy them from their children, parents must make it very clear about the rules of their use, about 2 hours during the week is not bad and on...

community. But it was the Balearic Islands the promoter of this measure in our country, since during the years 2002 and 2003 this rate imposed on its visitors. However, this lasted little and decided to remove this...

community. Reason why different thinkers have directed the foundations of actions and have cataloged this individual capable of living in society as "citizen", because they differentiate it from the other categories that were within the doctrine and using the quality of man forbeing a "rational animal" arrive in order to establish this category;which is characterized by the application of ethical values and principles, as well as the duty to be that man enters to live in society. Society is the way in which the human being has been constituted to live with his fellow men, this has given rise to the formation and evolution of the same coexistence system. Because man has evolved...

community life, teamwork actually for any interpersonal relationship. The most important thing is to start by respecting ourselves and we do not always put it into practice, in order to respect ourselves we begin to recognize ourselves as a unique being and is necessary to develop our potential and build healthy relationships. When we have self-respet and we are treated with love we will be more tolerant with others In conclusion, it can be said that respect demands a friendly and polite treatment, respect is the essence of human relations, respect is an absolute guarantee of transparency, with respect we can create an environment of cordiality and safety allows accepting others and the decisions...

community that supports or ignores them. A radical change that will safely affect adults of the future. The use of social networks is related to an increase in anxiety, depression and sleep disorders among young people. The authors affirm that social media have revolutionized the way we connect with each other, and their use has become "an integral part of the lives of many people, connecting them worldwide with friends, family and strangers". Social networks offer an edited version of reality, do not indicate it as it is. Among the most recognized causes of social media addiction are low self - esteem, personal dissatisfaction, depression or hyperactivity and even the lack of...