Addition Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

addition to improving the level of personal and family well -being". As we can see, for immigrants, access to employment, housing, having social ties with the receiving society participating in this and having informal support networks, is essential for social integration into the territory. In addition, to have the social rights obtained through registration, and the administrative regularization of their status as a...

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addition to containing harmful consequences for the mental and physical health of girls, who would go from chronic pain and infections to inconveniences in mental births and traumas. The main reasons are a ‘hygiene, beauty and purity’, and that is that a woman who is mutilated will be more accepted in her community in which she is practiced. If she is not, she may not even let her perceive the same water as everyone else, or share her food. The fact is that in multiple Muslim communities that have been established in Spain, the MGF is practiced, according to these families, for religious reasons and because they consider them a total teaching of Muhammad or Sunna. But from the Wassu they tend...

addition it is supposed that if infibulation has been practiced, she will be afraid of the pain that she can submit to having sexual extra -communication relations. In some of these societies, they are emulated by other traditions of neighboring groups, or by the resurgence of religious or traditional groups. In most societies they defend it as a cultural tradition, using it as reasoning for the monitoring of this practice. Gender identity brand in the body of women, associated this practice for the girl to be more beautiful, pure and healthy when these impure or non -feminine areas of the woman's body are eliminated.   All local authorities, religious, community leaders, as well as doctors...

addition, it is added in subsection 4 of the same article, that “the maternity license will include a period of six weeks of compulsory license after childbirth." . This period also adapts to the existing labor laws in each member country and as mentioned above in order to protect. Also, the woman has the right to return to her work once the period of her license is finished, with the same conditions prior to her withdrawal (salary, schedule, rights and prohibitions). It is in mind that a case of labor discrimination towards women is the unjustified dismissal being pregnant, and as indicated in article 8 in which “the employer who dismisses a woman who is pregnant (...) or after having...

addition to being eternal. Zeus's relationships are recognized because each and every one of them has to end up embranage the woman with whom she has had it. All the relationships that Zeus has had with women and young people end in pregnancy. It can even be said that this pregnancy is mandatory in all cases. It is a totally offensive issue since it is one more contribution to machismo and goes against female rights. This contributes to how women only exist to create life and take it nine months or more but are women really only a sexual object? In many of the cases of pregnancy, the father figure is absent and does not respond for the creation that these acts entail. At present, many children are...

addition to imposing strong sanctions against the aggressor, opens the possibility of financial compensation for the victim, for theirYears of domestic work. INEQUITY IN THE HEALTH SYSTEM The Ministry of Public Health states that in the last 5 years the National Executive has increased the health sector budget by 600%. Which has been used to expand health coverage in primary care, with an approach to health prevention and promotion, in order to achieve equitable planning.  However, according to the latest report by the Inter -American Development Bank, Ecuador is among the countries that investigates its economic resources in services less efficiently. In part, because resources are not allocated...