World War I (1914-1918): World famine
At the beginning of the 20th century, the world began to change thanks to technological and industrial advances, this caused countries with a high economic level to dominate with war, political and economic aspects. This marked the beginning of a world more prepared to defend their local interests, which vary from territorial to politicians, and for a dominant Europe a conflict of such magnitude was imminent, since the previous wars such as the Napoleonic and the distribution of Africa generated conflicts between The powers of the region, such as the problems that triggered the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire with the Nation of Serbia, which subsequently entailed to an international conflict, ending in an arms dispute between; The Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente.
First of all, the background of the triple alliance infer in a system of several countries to respect international relations, which arises at the end of the 19th century, which settle the foundations of world conflicts, which certainly influenced World War I Although it has its greatest boom from 1914 to 1918, this interval of years that make the difference of a modern world in the constant deliberation of the previous centuries, through a simultaneous process of accumulated conflicts.
Any process that a country was carried out in the twentieth century is carried out by the European powers, who were the first to promote technological advances, mainly in the army with the appearance of: cannons, machine guns, submarines, tanks, combat planes, airships , biological weapons and carriers. Then industrial advances, which moved the global economy, in the processes of manufacturing products for citizens of the world. On the other hand, the repeated attempt to abolish imperialism and colonialism in Third World countries, was the justification for disagreements between hegemonic nations, in which they are involved with the conflict between Germany and France by colonial division in Africa in Africa.
It would not be until 1914, with the murder of the archduke Francisco Fernando of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which would lead to the formation of the triple entente: France, Great Britain and USSR, and the Triple Alliance: Germany, Austro-Hungarian and Italy, and Therefore a war that would join several allies. These groups were also born through the denial of a research process that Austria wanted Austria declares war to Serbia, USS declares war on Austria, Germany declares war on the USSR, France invades Belgium, England to Germany and so on.
Another of the most important causes of the First World War was to arise from the armed peace, it consisted that the countries since 1979 with the help of the aforementioned industrial revolution, began to create weapons and weapons on a large scale, these were maintained In peace, as the name itself says, but it was also a reason that when creating the minimum problem or outbreak would be launched to the attack to start a world -scale conflict.
In another context, the triple entente the main alliance of the complex system designed by Bismarck. After opting for Austria-Hungary, given the impossibility of maintaining at the same time an alliance with Vienna and St. Petersburg confronted in the Balkans, Bismarck found in Italy the expected ally against France. This was considered its main diplomatic objective to maintain the isolation of France, on the other hand, Italy thought that with its adhesion to the Triplicice and its association to Germany it was the best way to access the rank of great power. Italy was unhappy for the French attitude towards her colonial aspirations in Tunisia. Meanwhile the objective of the triple entente was to counteract the interests of the countries of the Triple Alliance, such as diplomatic conflicts, disappearance of German domain in the Pacific, for the development of new powers in the world.
This also resulted in the Russian revolution, which ended the political system composed of the Tsar, which for several years had encoded an authoritarian and dynastic regime, therefore this event marks the beginning of a new political system known as socialism. In addition to the constant export of food to England by the United States, it demonstrated a clear union between the powers that would be tested by the Germans; Testing with one of the landslides of US cargo ships, justification for the same to enter the war sending the ships to the Atlantic.
The First World War has large -scale incidents, its realization is not comparable with previous wars, since only economically rich countries and with high military power, subdesarred countries or those in the Third World participated, are involved with exports of natural resources or Food, since they did not have enough war capacity and could not cope with European powers, or more had an unrevend arms team, since the arms revolution gradually became a requirement for international hegemony, for which was necessary for strong and solid economies.
In its result this war left approximately 9 million losses of soldiers’ lives and 7 million losses of civilians, distributed in the countries involved in the war. Soon the economic needs were more visible to the countries at war, Germany for its part was the country that had lost the most lives, which led it to eminent crises that should be backed by other enemy powers, since the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Ottoman were dissolved, being the main allies of Germany, several economic compensation were also imposed, blaming them for damages that should be solved to the nations that had attacked the same ones that were covered until 2010. All countries were also forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles, which coincide that no other country would risk the sovereignty of the other. Germany was stained by the imminent defeat of it that would be a cause of mockery for the following political leaders who did not hesitate to break the Versailles treaty.
Another very significant change that was caused by the war was the great role that the woman acquired after the absence caused by men, this was because they were in the front of the battle, the woman becoming the head of the home, because This should take care of his family, find a way to give each day’s bread or the simple fact that men who survived war were left with psychological traumas for seeing so many deaths, loading with murder throughout his life and many more events That they can affect anyone with total normality, women in certain countries of the world such as: United States, Canada and Russia acquired the right to vote, thus obtaining relevance and influence in society, a society in which, The death of so many men left a vacuum that could be well occupied by the woman.
Undoubtedly, the First World War is a war conflict that has separated the nations from the world and if its realization had evidently avoided millions of lives they were saved and geopolitical relationships were more harmonic and civilizations had a more balanced and fruitful development, avoiding Thus, economic crises and technological development in arms, which was exposed in World War II. However, this war left many bases that are justification for the formation of today.
To conclude, it must be mentioned that all the events mentioned before, during and after World War I are unfairly taken to each nation, since such conflict begins at the rate of political leaders and a constant disagreement between decisions to become power that were paid with the lives of the soldiers and that of the civilians. Although in a vision of technological, medicinal and agriculture development there was an unprecedented advance that millions of people in the world have improved in many ways. In addition, the high hegemony of high powers has led them to withdraw from several of their colonial and imperialist projects that gave rise to the liberation of several oppressed countries, also of a wide global economic expansion, which benefited rich and poor countries, as well as international recognition. However, the universal economic dependence was increasing, so crises would no longer begin to make nationals but would always involve other countries, although it should be taken into account that knowing the great consequences that a World War can bring it is better to avoid them.
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