Why I Am Choosing the University of California

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Greetings, This is my personal statement as to why I am choosing the University of California. The pertinent facts that set me apart from others are that I love to read and learn constantly. I love to invent new products that help others to live an easier life. I am constantly dreaming about ideas on how to make a handicapped person navigate the world with fewer limitations. Some of my designs have already been developed, but I have many more on the drawing board. I am just lacking certain skills and feel the University of California has the right curriculum to advance my designs. An education at the University of California will allow me to help others not so fortunate. I have a family member that is handicapped and I see them struggle to do things others accomplish with ease. If I can make someone’s life easier, it becomes my top priority. There is no limit as far as I am concerned. This will give me a chance to expand my wings and grow as a young adult. I like how the university has many locations in the state. This means I could move anywhere and pick up where I left off in my academic endeavors. The University of California has many award-winning professors and I love the design the campuses and the availability of on and off campus living facilities. The financial aid looks phenomenal. I am an above average student and am optimistic for securing a scholarship as a part of my financial package. There are so many choices and I will take under advisement any suggestions your guidance counselors have when choosing the ultimate career path. I will eagerly wait for the confirmation that will allow me to attend the University of California in any location of my

Free Why I Am Choosing the University of California Essay Sample

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