Week 2 – Discussion 2: Purposeful Innovation

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Purposeful Innovation Name Institutional Affiliation Abstract Purposeful innovation is created out of innovation. It is imperative to appreciate the purpose of innovation as most of the technological equipment, goods, and services are an outcome of ideas put into action to become useful in the environment. Without innovation, most of the resources on or beneath the earth would remain unused. Consequently, some defining factors are generating innovative ideas. More importantly is the emphasis on research and vision to realize the potential in one’s ideas or looking at resources as solutions to an existing problem. As described in the paper, these factors include the unexpected outcome, demography, change in perception, and new knowledge. Additionally included among these elements are incongruities, industry and market structure, and process need. Discussed herein is the development of a community project focusing on one of these factors. The project presented involves the setting up of a community garden. The choosing of the project is based on the current need of establishing food security and observing healthy living through a balanced diet. The degradation of the environment also presents a need for the society and all individuals to take up a personal responsibility in protecting it. Purposeful Innovation Innovation implies the generation of new ideas or thoughts. It also includes the application of better solutions in tackling or addressing a common problem or need. According to Drunker (2014), innovation creates resources, which when put into use create economic value. Alternatively, invention creates purposeful innovations. This invention is an outcome

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