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Total Quality Management IntroductionTotal Quality Management (TQM) designates a management approach and philosophy for achieving sustained success through customer satisfaction. This philosophy requires that organizations put appropriate measures in place to improve the quality of processes, services and products. At its basic level, total quality management relies on certain fundamental principles to integrate quality into the activities and cultures of organizations. The aim is to explore the fundamental principles of TQM and show how they are used to foster improved performance in organizations. The paper comprises of three main parts. The first part highlights the fundamentals principles favored by the authors of the assigned course text. This section also explains how other competing theories and principles have impacted managerial practices in the past ten years. The second part describes how leading organizations in the world have achieved success by using enhanced practices of quality management. This part has also discussed how those principles have been used in the selected successful organizations. The last section goes on to discuss how some of the principles have impacted the organization I work for. Discussion of the fundamental principles of total quality and performance management favored by the authorsThe principles of total quality and performance management refer to the various strategies for managing organizations to achieve high levels of excellence. As such, the primary focus of these principles is the gradual improvement of performance for the long-term growth and success of organizations. In their book, Evans and Lindsay (2012) have argued in
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