The Horror Of Feminicide: Different Aspects

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The horror of feminicide: different aspects

There are different variables that allow us to understand the types of femicides, according to the UN, this phenomenon has been classified according to the relationship between victim and perpetrator in four categories: i) femicide of intimate couple, ii) femicide of relatives, iii) femicide for other acquaintancesand IV) Femicide of strangers, all crossed by the different oppressions that women live day by day

On the other hand, & Laporta catalog two types of femicides, which agree to mention in this research that they are:

  • Intimate feminicide: refers to the murder of a man with whom the victim had or had an intimate relationship or relationship: husband, boyfriend, ex -boyfriend or lover. It is about adopting the friend who murders a woman, friend or known, who refused to have an intimate relationship with him.
  • Non -intimate feminicide: it is this murder committed by an unknown man with whom the victim had no relationship: sexual aggression that culminates with the murder of a woman for a stranger. It is also considered that non -intimate feminicide is the case of a neighbor who kills his neighbor without any relationship or link between them.


In this order of ideas, Toledo adds two other types of femicides which are:

  • Children’s feminicide: committed against minor girls or who do not have mental capacity, regardless of whether they are descendants or daughters to the fourth grade
  • Systemic sexual femicide: it is the codified murder of girls and women as women whose dispossessed bodies have been tortured, raped, killed and thrown into transgressive situations by men who use misogyny and sexism.


Characteristics and causes of feminicide

The main characteristics that are evident in a femicide case have been defined by different authors Monárrez (2011);Huertas & Jiménez (2016), which converge in the following:

  • Signs of sexual violence or any kind.
  • Notorious or degrading injuries or mutilations before or after deprivation of life or necrophilia.
  • Background of any type of violence in the family, work, school or the aggressor against the victim.
  • That between the victim and the aggressor they had a romantic, affective or trust relationship.
  • Threats related to crime, harassment or damage to the attacker against the victim.
  • The victim was detained without contact with the outside world for some time before his death.
  • The victim’s body is exposed or exhibited in a public place.


For its part, femicide comes from different causes, which are caused by various factors such as existing machismwork, which has a reason for jealousy, consider women as a property, such as an object, such as their belonging and that it should only be theirs and the mere fact that it is shown in public or on the street equals a lack ofThat will lead to infidelity, insecurity and fear that invades her not being able to stop the emergence of a woman for not being able to realize that it will be impossible to overcome her and that something must be done so that the brightness is only for man;and with this innumerable alternatives that derive from the cases we know from the media.


Preventing or solving the problem or phenomenon of feminicide is something complex because the reasons that lead to men to commit these acts of violence against their partners, family and even unknown women are not known in detail, the first thing would be to recognize certain certainBehaviors in man who would lead to that he needs some type of psychological orientation, carry out intervention and prevention programs, raise awareness and educate society about this serious problem that is the issue of gender violence, and encourage women toThey should not support any type of violence or abuse, whether physical, psychological or sexualof the men. 

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