The Development Of Man Through Movements Such As Renaissance

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The development of man through movements such as Renaissance

Throughout history there have been several movements that have allowed the development of man, the Renaissance was one of the most important. Before introducing the role of man in the Renaissance I want to establish a context on what this event was. "The age of discoveries" was a movement that was composed of a humanistic concept. Which establishes man as rational beings and the center of the universe. The ideology of the Renaissance evolved from religion and caused a drastic change of theocentrism with anthropocentrism. During this time the role of man manifested in different ways from the artistic, political, scientific, cultural and ideological. All in order to change the man and his perspective of the world. In this essay I aim to explain why and present them the influence that man had in this movement, as he transformed, the role he took and how he developed in front of him.

The man impacted and revolutionized the Renaissance, for his new way of thought. In other words, his new ideas and his perspective towards the world was what allowed changes and advances that aimed to renew and investigate from the need for knowledge. Man began to stand out for experiencing different perspectives when seeing the world and tries to position himself at the level of God, that is, his decisions are no longer going around religion but to the fruit of the dissemination of ideas of humanism. This new way of thought allows the revolution within the Being, knowing, learning and enjoying. Carrying out an expansion of interests in art, science, and religion.

A new vision of the world was established in which man was the central axis. This idea of a new ideology is achieved reflected in society, religion, philosophy, discoveries, art and all the decisions of man and the areas where it develops. Even when at the time of the Middle Ages it had been of excessive use of religion that established limits in man. This change arrives and facilitates the development of man. In which it is possible to get out of the peel and be openly open to meet its goals. Such is the case, which leaves aside the influence of religion and is based on a humanistic system, in which man begins to live "one day at a time" (Carpe Diem), and obtains a new perspective thattriggers new discoveries and advances. The one that the religion goes to the background allows the search for other alternative responses based on the science or the philosophy of man itself to explain different events such as the phenomena of nature or. So the question is what advances or influence we would have if a new perspective of seeing the universe had not been established?

In this form of thought, man marks his own destiny, expanded new horizons, geographical, technological and astronomical, among others. All these changes allowed a revolution of ideologies that continue to influence man to this day. As, starting to focus on personal achievements under an individualistic regime in which the social class or wealth no longer imported, if not of the skills of being and for what was interested;which triggered new hobbies in art, doctrines, ideas and monarchies that occupy a historical role today. For example, to leave religion next and believe more in the power of science that allowed us to discover our land and what exists in it;Also in technology there was a great advance in terms of the idea of the printing press that allows us to have today the printer, but the possibility of reproducing our writing.;probably without any of these changes that arose in the Renaissance, our life and as we are today they would not be the same. In short, this form of thought of which man appropriated is one of the causes that allows us to have certain advances and learning today.

Ultimately, I want to emphasize what I have established throughout this text, the man played the most important role during this time, he was the absolute center, basically everything was influenced by his thoughts and actions. In this period the search for the recovery of his dignity and revaluation was framed. The role of being provided benefits and positive aspects that have evolved in our society and allows us to have a base in different fields in the present. As shown we have the invention of the printed printing, the splendor of arts, science progress, navigation, explorations, humanism, religious diversity and many discoveries that allowed us to expand our knowledge. With this we can conclude that the Renaissance was not only one more movement in history, but it was a movement that impacted being and the world providing the development of being what we are in the current time.

Ultimately, I want to emphasize what I have established throughout this text, the man played the most important role during this time, he was the absolute center, basically everything was influenced by his thoughts and actions. In this period the search for the recovery of his dignity and revaluation was framed. The role of being provided benefits and positive aspects that have evolved in our society and allows us to have a base in different fields in the present. As shown we have the invention of the printed printing, the splendor of arts, science progress, navigation, explorations, humanism, religious diversity and many discoveries that allowed us to expand our knowledge. With this we can conclude that the Renaissance was not only one more movement in history, but it was a movement that impacted being and the world providing the development of being what we are in the current time. 

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