The contribution of technology in society
Since the man settled on Earth, he has been in a consisting and permanent search for overcoming, associated with success and happiness. In this process, it is indisputable to recognize and highlight the effort, curiosity and above all the unwavering determination of investigating in an exhaustive way using the tools that nature provides, added to the creativity, imagination and inventiveness of your insatiable and dissatisfied mindwhich aims to improve its environment and therefore its quality of life.
In this work you can see the contribution from the field of technology, starting the simplest, until what has been achieved today. It has been a process that goes hand in hand with the evolution of the human being. Technology is everything that facilitates life, through inventions, discoveries, systems, tools, designs and innovation.
We are all, without any exception, immersed in this wonderful world of technology, enjoying their innumerable benefits, corresponds to each individual to use it for their well -being.
Know the contribution made of technology throughout the history of man, as a fundamental piece in its social, cultural and political development.
- Describe all the elements that make up technology.
- Establish the differences between processes and systems
- Understand the relationship between technology, technique and science.
- Identify the risks caused by technology.
- Emphasize the importance of ethics as an element of balance between the technological advance, ambition and well -being of man.
A memory is coming to my mind when I was studyConcession that I saw that very distant period, however in the blink of an eye, I was immersed in that universe of technologies, contrary to what I thought at the beginning, the adaptation has been gradual without generating trauma.
The human being from the precise moment that was established on Earthskins like clothing. Going through the invention of the wheel, which was a great achievement, contributing to the development of the great civilizations, as well as writing. Until we reach our days where we can enjoy all the products and services offered by technology improving quality of life.
Technology not only covers computers, cell phones or other electronic devices or artifactor a chair have facilitated and contributed to meet both individual and social needs. That is the main objective of the technological field, for this reason it is always in constant and permanent evolution, examples exist everywhere, but I will take one as a reference: the phone, from its size, its shape and its uses, has gone throughDifferent stages of continuous improvement, our grandparents did not even imagine that through a mobile device, various functions could be performed, this is part of innovation, which modifies an invention, processes and systems.
Our life is surrounded everywhere in technology, starting with housing and electronic devices we use: television, sound equipment, blender, washing machine, fan, stove, and many more. It is also present in the media, the transport system, the area of health, education. The great jump took the industrial revolution, from that event, there was a before and afterA week, I was easily done a week in a couple of days, directed by a person, what a big difference, truth!
And precisely the industrial sector is the one that has been transformed more quickly into a relatively short period of time, the pharmaceutical industry, petrochemistry, and mechatronics, are at the forefront.
Special mention deserves the Internet, the virtual universe where we are immersed, in this great mega network converges technology, design and computer science, everything you want to acquire can be achieved by just clicking on the search engine, that is, we have thecompressed world in a digital apparatus, be it a computer, a tablet or a cell phone.
The degree of progress in which we are today is to not believe it, here is a question, what will be the limit or there are no limits? Not having it, where we went and can become a danger to humanity. That is the issue, and if there are economic and political interests that do not worry the consequences in a not too distant future. There is a key term that can mediate in this controversy, ethics, it is supposed to be present in all aspects of the human being, and even more, when it comes to preserving the survival of the human species and the planet.
You have to be honest, talk without ambiguities and adopt a critical position in the face of an issue that concerns us all, although it is true that technology has been fundamental in the development of the human being, it is also true that it has left us traces, thewhich have generated a negative impact, it should be clarified that in the vast majority, it is because of the improper use that has been given to it. It seems to me that it is convenient to refer to Alfred Nobel, who with the dynamite intended to make a positive contribution to humanity and how great his sadness was warning that he was given a different use, causing death and destruction.
In the current days, the planet presents an imbalance in its natural cycles and for no one it is a secret that the acts of man have generated these alterations, on the one hand applause by technological development and on the other rechiflas due to the damage caused to the environment. Many times the remedy is worse than the disease, how to stop the effects of climate change, the increase in temperature, the greenhouse effect? It cannot be ignored that they are consequences of the industrial sector that for years has issued hundreds of thousands of tons of polluting gases. When a break point is reached, where the planet does not resist anymore, there will be nothing to do, and we will all be part of an extinct generation.
It will have validated so much effort trying to achieve perfection at its expression, knowing that nothing more and nothing less than our survival and that of future generations are at stake. I imagine in a time not very distant cars that can move through the air or excursions to the moon, it also gives me sadness and chill. The technology used to kill, to destabilize countries, even to create viruses in laboratories. The time in your relentless trial will condemn or absolve us according to our procedure. It will dawn and see.
During the development of this work, the presence of technology in the life of man can be evidencetrying to improve, detecting the failures and correct them. What is intended with technology is to solve problems and meet individual and social needs. In other words, make life easier.
Taking into account the above, it can be concluded that, thanks to technology, man can have a catalog of possibilities as required. Such is the degree of development achieved that the weather can be predicted with a minimum error, this can be considered as an ally for farmers, detect an earthquake in the sea in time and avoid the consequences of a tsunami. In the field of medicine the results are amazing, are millions of transplants of different organs made, the discovery of penicillin, in short, we would be short when trying to list all technological contributions.
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