The Consequences Generated By Stereotypes

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The consequences generated by stereotypes

Stereotypes are those labels given to people for simple characteristics that have. Stereotypes over time have been imposed in society. Today we can find stereotypes at school by having glas.

In our society we can see and find clear types of stereotypes caused by behaviors causing damages, we can find them in school, work, even on social networks. Some examples of stereotyped behaviors are for example having a pink hair dye, many people will think you are homosexual or simple non -heterosexual mind and this can have some kind of consequence which could be marginalized. The causes of discrimination after all is the immaturity or lack of education that can have a certain group of individuals. The effects can generate depression, discontent with yourself, insecurity, isolation, etc. Which can really bring someone to cause an irremediable psychological problem.

Examples of situations in which you can witness some kind of prejudice:

Seeing how you wear a partner you can put labels as if we use any shirt from a rock band you can conclude that he likes that kind of music very much or if he is using long hair, someone can reach and tell him that only women should Use long hair and men only short hair which in my opinion for this year which is 2019 The society should be at some point of greatest acceptance and mind open in each characteristic that people want to have no importing the race, gender , economic situation, ethnicity, etc., should be rotated mind. To carry out this, global awareness should be done through education and talks that make people understand and of course if you will ever witness some kind of things that we have seen here you try to stop the situation and look for someone from authority.

In conclusion, this type of discrimination that is being carried out almost anywhere should occur as a radical finish so that the community can have sensational growth and we can all be happy without being excluded and have less inconvenience around us.

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