The Adaptation Of Swimmers At Temperature

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The adaptation of swimmers at temperature


Cold water swimmers are athletes who challenge the thermal homeostasis of the human organism. By homeostasis we refer to the state of balance of fluids and substances inside the body. As for temperature, we are hot blood beings. This means that we have mechanisms to average our internal temperature around 36 ° C. Likewise, we have operation limits that are imposed between 34 and 44 ° C. If the organism raises its temperature above 44 ° C, as can happen in the heat stroke, there is a risk of death. Similarly, below 34 ° C we enter hypothermia.


The risk of hypothermia is the biggest concern of cold water swimmers. When entering a mass of water with low temperature and staying there, we can unbalance homeostasis, losing more heat than we generate. It is not a minor concern, since hypothermia can lead to death. Traditionally, it was assumed that cold water swimmers differ from other swimmers in their body composition, especially in the percentage of body fat. With that surplus fat they would compensate for energy loss by undergoing low temperatures.

Acclimatization in cold water swimmers. Just as mountaineers and mountaineers need to be in the heights for a while before continuing ascents, there is acclimatization for cold water. The swimmers of this specialty include in their training exposure to low temperatures to accustom the body. The diet is also basic, in addition to traditional training. Nutritionists recommend these athletes to increase their caloric intake if they are not people with a tendency to increase weight. That extra energy contribution is useful in competition moments.

To achieve a diet with excess energy, foods that concentrate many kilocalories in uninfidence, such as cereals and monoinsaturated fats are useful. Of course, this plan must be guided by a nutrition professional. Hydration is also a key pillar. Body temperature depends largely on the state of internal fluids. When cold water swimmer training will exceed running time, hydration in planning should be considered. Similarly, for competencies, the incorporation of liquids cannot be lacking before starting them. Dehydration status before launching cold waters could favor energy loss.

The danger of hypothermia in cold water swimmers. As we advance, cold water swimmers have hypothermia. By launching to compete in frozen and open water masses, that possibility exists, beyond previous preparation. In hypothermia the body loses functions because its internal temperature is unbalanced. Homeostasis is lost, and certain processes depend on the balanced temperature to be efficient. One of the symptoms of hypothermia is confusion. The brain is affected at low temperatures, and decreases its reason for reasoning. 

That is serious in an extreme athlete, because the ability to make decisions in the midst of a competition is complicated. A bad decision in background sports originates injuries and, in the worst stage, death. They are also symptoms of hypothermia extreme weakness, muscle fatigue, cramps, broken breathing and heart rate decline. The phenomenon of the tremors that appear at the beginning of hypothermia are usually given, but as the clinical picture progresses they disappear. In general, competencies for cold water swimmers establish a time limit from which everyone must be out of water. 

This is a sports security system provided by organizers to prevent hypothermiah. Body changes in cold water swimmers according to studies. Through scientific research carried out with cold water swimmers, some points were established that most shared. These bodily changes seem to repeat and happen in these athletes. Cold water swimmers tend to be lower in height and less weight than other pool swimmers, for example. Anyway, its percentage of muscle mass is lower, although the amount of fat in proportion is greater. Body fat has two functions in these athletes.


On the one hand, it is a source of energy from which the body can be supplied to generate heat, and on the other hand it functions as a thermal insulating layer. This sport implies resistance more than speed, and that is why the body constitution plays a fundamental role. The body of the cold water swimmer adapts to adverse conditions that he must endure for a long time, without the need to be totally explosive in his behavior. The body is able to change. Among so many extreme or background sports, open water swimming is another example of adaptation. The changes in the body of cold water swimmers are in pursuit of training and constancy work that the body interprets to modify itself.

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