Situation And Conditions Of Imperialism

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Situation and conditions of imperialism


As can be seen in the attached table, in the second half of the 19th century, the concept called "White Explosion" occurred. The painful living conditions with which the proletariat was in industrialized countries, made many go to the territories controlled by their own countries to try their luck and improve their precarious situation. In addition, emigration towards the colonies of a large number of people helped not cause a situation of instability, since many of these people were unemployed.


This uncontrolled emigration produced in the vast majority of occupied territories, an ethnic alteration of great magnitude. I was yesterday at the East End and attended a gathering of unemployed. I heard strong discussions. You couldn’t hear a cry: ‘bread, bread’. When I returned home I felt even more convinced of the importance of imperialism. To save the forty million inhabitants of the United Kingdom from a deadly civil war, we colonizers.

We must conquer new lands to install in them the surplus of our population and find new exits to the products of our factories. This demographic growth occurred thanks in part to the different medical advances that originated during this time and that were reflected with the creation of medications that helped fight diseases hitherto lethal.  In the general hygiene of the people. The creation of sewerage in many streets.

The use of soap and the appearance of current water networks were determining aspects. Term used to refer to the excessive increase of population in different European territories. Labor or worker of the nineteenth century.  Very contagious disease, due to a bacterium that is transmitted to people through fleas or lice. This disease is characterized by causing chills, fever, cough, delusions and physical pain in different parts of the body. 

Potentially mortal disease caused by the bite of a mosquito infected by the bacteria of the genus Anopheles. Is known as malaria. The economic crises that occurred throughout the nineteenth century, made a large part of European countries adopt protectionist policies in order to boost national production. On the other hand, this fact causes excess production as a consequence of the second industrial revolution.

Thanks in part to the improvements made in different aspects in the technification part. The appearance of new economic sectors and capital surpluses that European states could not absorb in their market, caused the search in the first place of new markets, secondly of territories that could supply the metropolis of raw materials and thirdlyfind a physical space to give profitability to production and capital surpluses. 


The most suitable places for states were distant countries, backward and not technically advanced. The great advances in mobility issues such as navigation improvement and in the same way the improvement of land transport allowed the search to be much faster and more immediate. Excess capital by European powers was transformed into investments in infrastructure such as the construction of railways or passage channels.

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