Sexuality In Adolescents And The Relationship With Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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Sexuality in adolescents and the relationship with sexually transmitted diseases

Teenagers are in a stage of experimentation and development of physical and psychological aspects, which is why they begin to discover their sexuality at this age. At this stage the information in a key piece to avoid negative consequences.

Many teenagers begin to practice their sexuality without having knowledge of this, causing pregnancies at an early age or infection of a sexually transmitted disease (STDs) and multiple negative consequences. Despite the community’s efforts to inform adolescents, such as the delivery of educational talks in the primary-preparatory educational centers where the adolescents are informed about the dangers and care they must have to avoid this type of inconvenience, followhaving cases of pregnancies in adolescents.

Knowing all this then, why still there are so many cases of teenage pregnancies?, Perhaps the information taught in talks, books, classes and Internet sources is false or vague?, o Is adolescents’ interest about their sexuality little or non -existent?, This research seeks to understand that the early practice of sexuality is to say between 11-18 years, which is basically the stage known as adolescence.

This research could benefit the parents of adolescents, adolescents and their children, in case of having them, since many when getting pregnancies tend to leave school to start working, which causes an increase in academic dropout in our country, in addition to decrease the chances of them having a better quality of life, since it is currently necessary to finish the university to have a good salary, in the same way it would affect the baby since it would have as parents inexperienced and irresponsible individuals, andthat they are not yet mature enough to take care of a baby, and not only would affect the mother, father and son in question if not the parents of these individuals who tend to support them financially, causing a great negative impact on the economyfamily. It is worth mentioning that it would also affect our country as it causes lack of professionals who could help increase the economy in our country and endless more aspects.

Free Sexuality In Adolescents And The Relationship With Sexually Transmitted Diseases Essay Sample

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