School Stress Or Academic Stress

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School stress or academic stress


Academic stress that defines as that pressure that presents mental problems because of the demands produced in the educational field. In other words, it is a discomfort that is presented in a student due to physical or psychological factors, which produces performance problems, such as difficulty solving problems or facing some school context.

Stress occurs when a student defines the demands that are raised in a school situation, and they exceed their skills, then, the fear of not fulfilling them generates stress. Examples of this are the overload of responsibilities or academic work.

Basically, stress occurs in three stages:

  • Reaction: When the student feels pressed, biochemical reactions are presented that contribute to the protection of the student to excessive state of activity.
  • Pressure resistance: This phase occurs when the student has managed to adapt to prolonged pressure.
  • Exhaustion: When the student does not have any other adaptive strategy, and the demands exceed their capacity, then various conditions are generated.


The symptoms that present this type of anxiety can occur as cognitive, physiological and behavioral responses. In university students, these answers usually occur with a greater degree, because, when the exams are presented, most change their style of living. Examples such as sleeping less time, digest a high amount of caffeine, etc.

There is an innumerable amount of conditions that are caused because of stress, in this case, students.

In the investigation carried out by (Palacio, 2013) several of the consequences that may arise are indicated: lack of concentration, intellectual fatigue, absence to the usual tasks, carelessness;Difficulty of recovery, which produces constant exhaustion;It is difficult to get up in the morning;Descent of intellectual or physical performance, depression, sadness;nervousness, excess activity, anxiety, anguish, impatience, irritability;The tension to the lowest unimportant stimulus is discharged;insomnia;It produces lack of rest that further aggravates the situation;stomach acidity, indigestion, difficult digestions;headache excessively;ICTs and involuntary movements such as tablet on the table, turn a pen, etc.;back and neck pain: the tension accumulates on the back muscles.

The majority of the causes of the stress of the students are usually minor, due to the valuation that the entity itself according to its cognitive level, so it is the same situation, or not, the same cause of stress for otherstudents or people, which brings as a conclusion that student stress is simply a psychological problem of the person.

Stress brings with it various physical and mental consequences, among them we have:

  • Heart disease: which are related to the fact of suffering from infarction by myocardium. The nervous system accordingly releases catecholamines, mostly known as adrenaline, which have a great consequence this symptom with what is concerned with the heart, since in a high dose of this it causes a ventricular arrhythmia that brings death with it, thisIt is very common in cases that carry a high level of stress.
  • Hypertension: This other problem also comes hand inDue to a great stress situation, the brain takes this action as if it were something common, thus causing baroreceptors to stop giving alert signals to the brain about blood pressure.
  • CEFALES: There are types of stress that can cause this disease, the first is muscle stress due to high voltage of this prolonged for a long time, so this tension leads its consequences mainly to the muscles of the neck and facethus producing tension headaches. The other type of headache is given by the unexpected change of blood pressure that brings its consequences to the blood vessels found in the brain, thus causing migraine

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