Romanticism As A Cultural, Artistic And Literary Movement In Europe

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Romanticism as a cultural, artistic and literary movement in Europe

Romanticism is a cultural, artistic and literary movement that occurs in Europe since approximately 1825-1900. Conservatives defend their privileges, but the liberals and progressive struggle to suppress them, in addition secularism and Freemasonry are made. It enjoys great influence. The industrial revolution, the rise of the bourgeoisie, machinism, proletariat, industrial capitalism and economic liberalism implies the superiority of Europe over the rest of the world. A little number of powers control and colonize a good part of humanity. The Social and Artistic Model of the West is had as superior to that of Torras Culturas less "advanced".

England has the greatest impero in the world, with an undoubted commercial hegemony, and it is not until 1870 when serious opponents find: the United States and Germany.

After the struggles with Napoleon, much of the German states are integrated into the Germanic Confederation under the leadership of Prussia, in this way the unprecedented national pride is reaffirmed, which explains for example the exaltation of the myths of R. Wagner. Unification would last until they get victory against France. Italy would continue to be occupied by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which monitors artistic expression. The Tsarist Russia becomes the largest country in the world after expanding through Finland, Central Asia and the Black Sea, with a rich landowner aristocracy. Under the breath of a new national conscience, the lyrics and arts are developed, especially literature and music.

The s. XIX is marked by nationalism, the desire for independence and identity of many nations. It is characterized by the primacy of the law of peoples on the universal law of individuals defended by the Enlightenment, according to the highest nationalists, the character of a people manifests itself through the products of their culture.

In romanticism a new spirit of imagination, feeling and passion arises, claiming the artist absolute freedom for his creation,

Spain lives a convulsed century for the three Carlist wars, the Republic and finally the Bourbon restoration and that is why it is delayed in industrialization, although the emergence of Spanish romanticism is strongly linked to the fall of Napoleon after its defeat in Waterloo, in addition of the evolution of Spanish society after the disappearance of the government imposed on the Iberian Peninsula by the Napoleonic invasions.

In 1833 King Fernandovii dies, who despite having approved a Constitution of Cádiz in 1812 restored the absolute monarchy, exploding the first Carlist war where the supporters fought to rise to the Spanish throne Carlos V which were defeated by the supporters of Isabel The daughter of this.

After this defeat, a stage of great political instability followed, guided by a strong antimonarchical current that led to a revolution leaving General Prim as a strong man, after two years of the unstable monarchy of Amadeo I of Savoy, leads to the First Republic which He did not last a year and was followed by another revolutionary government headed by General Serrano

After the murder of General Prim, the Pro-Monarchical Government of Cánovas del Castillo restored the monarchy proclaiming Alfonso XII. The military situation was negative, since they had to face against the US. UU. In the war in Cuba and that of the Philippines, and both were lost.

The beginnings of Spanish romanticism are the poems written by José Joaquín de Mora, being one of the three initial drivers of romanticism, along with Alcalá Galiano and Blanco White.

At the death of Fernando VII, a group of liberal politicians and intellectuals returned to Spain and began to be published in Madrid a literary magazine of romantic orientation, called “El Europeo” in it appear works by Mariano José de Larra, also those of Zorrilla, Espronceda , Breton de los Herreros, among others. Later works from Rosalía, Miguel de Campo Amor .. 

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