Reintegration In Society After Sexual Aggression

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Reintegration in society after sexual aggression


Reintegration is a systematic process of actions that begin at the time a person enters the penitentiary center, continues during the fulfillment of the penalty and ends when the person returns to the situation of freedom.

Social reintegration programs includes in itself, reeducation and improvement projects at the psychosocial, educational and labor level;That is, intervention programs have as its purpose, modify or improve the human behavior of each of the inmates, so that in the future they do not commit crimes again.

Is it possible to reintegrate the inmates in the prison centers?

The answer to this question would depend largely on the nearby experiences, beliefs or personal values of each one, but from a psychosocial point of view today, we can talk about the existence of the possibility that a person who has a crime can changeYour behavior. This change of social conscience occurred from the 90s, something more hopeful regarding the concept of social reintegration, thanks to the advance of science, evidence and awareness of people, seems to change that chaotic negative idea that existed aboutThe impossibility of reintegration and reeducation (social rehabilitation), where no method worked with those who had been law infringers, and served sentence.

The intervention program with sexual aggressors is as follows:

The severity of this type of crime and the existence of high recidivism rates in some cases justify the need to develop a specific intervention for this type of inmates. It should be noted that sexual assault or abuse refers to any unwanted sexual contact. It happens when someone forces you or presses (be physically or emotionally) to do something of a sexual type. The rape is when someone forces you or presses to have sex. Thus, article 116 of the Penitentiary Regulation expressly states that the Penitentiary Administration may carry out treatment programs for sexual aggressors.

In the application of this program there are two clearly differentiated phases:

  • A certain evaluation of each individual, and a psychosocial intervention through the group program.
  • During the intervention period, there are several priority lines of action:
  1. Increase internal awareness about the causes that have led him to commit sexual crimes.
  2. Increase empathy towards the victim, becoming aware of the damage caused.
  3. Assume criminal responsibility, eliminating all kinds of justifications.
  4. Modify thought patterns that lead to erroneous interpretations of other people’s situations or behaviors.
  5. Learn adapted behavior guidelines and increase self-control capacity.
  6. Modify disorganized and unhealthy lifestyles.
  7. Early detect the appearance of possible risk factors for recidivism.


Reintegration objectives:

  • Favor the creation and development of social skills that facilitate their development in the different areas that make up social life.
  • Facilitate access to training resources that favor their future socio-labor insertion.
  • Acquisition of techniques and skills for selection and job search.
  • Get acceptance and integration of a system of norms as a way for a good regulation of coexistence.
  • Foster and increase self – esteem and self-safety.
  • Favor the creation of relations outside the penitentiary and social exclusion and maintain those that can be positive for their growth.
  • Facilitate and promote access to standardized resources for the entire population.


Survey objectives:

  • Promote awareness through the question.
  • Obtain data that help us answer this issue and carry out a study.
  • Know the point of view that the population of Granada has.


Reinsertion hypothesis:

  • After performing a reintegration course or having provided help to carry out the individual to make the individual feel comfortable abroad.
  • Avoid that after the departure of the individual from the penitentiary center does not perform any crime, either repeatedly or other.
  • Provide techniques that help you in certain situations, such as nervous breakdown, anxiety, impotence, rage, etc. before the incorporation into society.. 

Free Reintegration In Society After Sexual Aggression Essay Sample

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