Reasoning As A Cognitive Pedagogical Tool

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Reasoning as a cognitive pedagogical tool

It is well known that pedagogy, the art of teaching is a set of teaching practices or methods for the use of the teacher that seeks to develop a training process of each and every student. SAR defines this term as "the science that deals with education and teaching, especially child", and also as "an educational or teaching practice in a certain aspect or area.”From this meaning, several peculiarities of this issue stand out, such as pedagogy types, the characteristics of effective pedagogy, teaching methods, pedagogical tools that can be performed, among others; All these qualities have their own singularities, but today we will talk about something specific, pedagogical tools.

Pedagogical tools are used as access roads between the student and the teacher to relate learning and teaching. These tools have many different characteristics that make particular and unique, the adaptation of the work environment, rewarded behavior, sanctioned behavior, exemplified behavior, and others; Based on this fact, and using these characteristics in a study plan of Human Human? The characteristic that presents a greater degree of relevance and integrity is reasoning, whose approach does not focus on the behavioral part, but on cognitive.

Although it is denoted under the educational guidelines of ENAP, one of the objectives, not to mention that the primordial is the adaptation of the instructional methods that ensure an internalization of human rights and IHL in members of the public force, from From this premise, a relationship between the cognitive reasoning pedagogical tool can be raised. Exemplifying the postulated situation, the implementation of this character in pedagogical tools would demonstrate that in addition to teaching students a behavioral plan where actions, behavior and guidelines that must be followed are reflected, in the same way they are guided towards a perspective Wider where not only are limited to exposed knowledge, but also put their cognitive system into practice to solve or lighten situations of risk that may arise and are considered a threat to the well -being and promulgation of human rights and IHL, and whose event has not been foreseen in advance.

In conclusion, the implementation of this characteristic within pedagogical tools would be an innovative challenge, however, a challenge that embraces the reality in which the world currently lives, because the situations that arise in a problem do not always textual apply in a reality problem; To show students to undertake a process of critical and cognitive analysis power not only their ability to respond to danger, but also reduces the risk and tendency to incur setbacks that can be previously avoided.


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  • Royal Spanish Academy. (2018). Reproduction. In the Spanish Language Dictionary (Tricentennial Edition). Accessed November 23, 2020. https: //

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