Professional Pedagogy In Education

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Professional Pedagogy in Education

Professional pedagogy not only works with teachers and students of the institution of higher education but also with the people in charge of the country’s productive and labor institutions, so that the competences and requirements that the professional future must have and that They are demands of the work reality that is lived.

This pedagogy, in its first action process seeks that students appropriate and dominate all the foundations, knowledge or theories on which the certain area is based on which they are specializing, in this way the professional pedagogy, tries to select the relevant contents and didactic resources and chords to be truly useful in reality. In the same way, guides the performance to have the teacher for students to achieve this association between what is studied and what is applied.

Second, this pedagogy seeks to open spaces for students to finally apply the contents learned, that is, the application of the theory in practice, which can be in laboratories, workshops, etc. Finally, it contributes to the resolution of problems and construction of its society, without the need to wait to perform in a job, but does it while studying.

So what professional pedagogy seeks is to maintain the close relationship that without hesitation exists between studies and reality.

Among these relationships is the link between "education and society", so that there is responsibility on the part of the students and after future workers, to create useful and valid knowledge for their particular community, society, etc. stop using and repeat knowledge that does not adapt to its social, economic, political context, among others.

Also, this pedagogy seeks to avoid separating the relationship between "theory and practice", then data, information, content, etc., that serves students to function in a certain professional area. Large amounts of content or knowledge are usually given that is rarely useful to apply them in reality, or the simple fact of not putting them into practice at the time those contents are acquired prevent the proper use of such information because its operation is not known in the reality.

In this way, the “general” knowledge that already exist or that have been created to apply them “specific” at the time of being necessary to be necessary, at the time of being necessary.

The "intellectual and instrumental" relationship becomes essential for professional pedagogy, since it pretends that students know the usefulness of their studies to improve and build their society, creating opportunities for themselves and their community. In this way no knowledge is learned in vain, because it will give them a gain in all areas. It also consists that students value their knowledge and consider the opportunity they give them, so they appreciate work, time and above all enjoy doing so.

This relationship will make the person understand and interpret the reality of the world, how society is handled, how as a student and then as a professional can contribute to change what they consider necessary and obtain a more just society and with better conditions for all.

What would be the priority actions to strengthen from socioformation? In this way, thanks to the research and work of this science of professional pedagogy, it seeks to fulfill certain actions so that the educational system propitiates socio -training in students, such as:

  • Teachers should handle student interest very well, if they achieve it, students alone will take the initiative to fix objects or even create them, going from the simplest towards the most complex.
  • The discontee has to handle the materials with which he will work soon, therefore, the practice is important, achieving improvements in his skills.
  • Teachers should leave students to practice their creativity, in this way they will take love for their jobs, be original, interpretive, abstract, also getting them to learn from their mistakes.
  • Students will learn how things should do, understand the importance of working to help others, working in groups will be easier since they will respect the time of others.
  • The teacher and the student have to work in consciousness regarding the practice of values ​​and the care of the environment, for which spaces have to be allowed within their education that allows us to reflect on these issues.


To develop the student’s ethics and moral it is convenient.

Regarding the dependence between "science and work", students must understand that all scientific and theoretical principles gives them the ability to perform a job that has to dignify their life, bringing economic, social, psychological and moral benefits. It should be considered that the professional performance that this knowledge grants them, allows them to be productive, supportive, responsible and aware of their reality, which is always subject to improve.


In this way, it is ended that:

  1. With professional pedagogy and socioformation, the inevitable relationship between theory and practice is maintained, making conscious to the actors of education, that all knowing is useful for performing a job that dignifies the same man and helps his community.
  2. Socioformative research together with this pedagogy focus on opening spaces both in higher education institutions and in labor and productive institutions, so that students "learn by doing" and "do with or learn" what is necessary to solve problems in their day by day in a competent, responsible and supportive manner.
  3. To achieve the integration of the analysis of this pedagogy with socioformation it is recommended. 

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