Peasant Identity As A Community

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Peasant identity as a community


As can be seen in the process of peasant struggle, in addition to what cohesive as a community, that is, a particular and shared rural way of life, their identity has been strengthened in the actions of their resistance, opposing the identity firstNational, which does not recognize its particularities and therefore denies its existence as a collective subject, and second, its identity has been affirmed in the confrontation for natural resources, the defense of water particularly, against extractive identity. 


Being then that identities are built and mutate through historical-territorial processes, peasant identity far from being an essentialist, has transcended the connotation of the mere agricultural worker, and although it is directly linked to the rurality that identifies the peasant being in a relationshipDialectic between the productive factor and the cultural factor, the determining factor as a community has become the conflict.

As Montenegro says, affirming identity is an engine of struggle for claims, being fulcro threats to their particular forms of life generating questions about the reality that bursts and rearrange the economic, social and cultural practices of its concrete space of its concrete space. This confrontation process also implies an unequal relationship, and consequently, continuous disputes that redefine social identities and processes, in this case the main inequality lies in the distribution of power resources: the law, the use of force andThe decision spaces are clear examples in which the peasant communities have been at a disadvantage, subjecting them to a regime of historical institutional invisibility, despite within this field of struggle the peasants have generated new strategies and repertoires of action that in addition to notingIts problems, by articulating wills and efforts to deal with problems solving, the impulse of their own initiatives and community self-management, end up strengthening social fabric and cohesioning their identity. 


Therefore, political and legal concern linked to the peasant culture or culture is not just a symptomatic response as a result of the historical moment, or the implementation of multiculturalism and differential rights. The reaffirmation of peasant identity and its recognition as a collective, means providing the right of real justice, not in an abstract way, but in development its rural life exists the guarantees of its dignity, it means its access to water, to the landscape, to the landscape, to the landscape, to the landscape, to the landscape, to the landscape, to the landscape, to the landscape, to the landscape, to the landscape, to the landscape,to the relationship they have with their territory and awareness from all spheres of society that their existence as a group is fundamental.  

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