Old With Huge Wings And The Cursed People

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Old with huge wings and the cursed people


Not far from Zaragoza there is a town called Belchite, many legends run around why this town is so abandoned and many people say it is because they say that if you enter you cannot leave. As my grandmother is from that town I decided to ask why and she answered this. Many years ago this era is more beautiful and beautiful town in Zaragoza. The days were beautiful and warm. People were very friendly and humble the streets were all full of life.

But when the afternoon came it could be noted that the town was gradually emptying. The streets full of life were streets where many people could be seen running very hurriedly to their homes. And when the night came they were completely desert and could be heard until the flutter of a butterfly.


Until the eleven arrived at night, those bells that resonated when this time was my worst fear because after the last bell you could perfectly hear the collide between many bones and the sound of horseshoes older than the oldest man of the town. And then you knew that your greatest fear had already arrived. That sound left my hair standing, and it was the main cause for which I do not stick an eye in many years.

But when the first light came and when I saw that my tears of happiness jumped, because I knew that the monster was already gone and that all that nightmare was over. Even so, one night I wonder how the appearance of that monster would be, so I decided that the next night I would look out my window to see its appearance and know what I am so afraid.

When the night arrived, I was looking at the bell tower clock I could scare. And then I started listening to the collide between his bones I started looking for him following in sound and then I saw him.

It was a very large horse that seemed to be in a state of decomposition. He could perfectly see his brain and his head, his neck was very long and bony, he had a red shine in his eyes somewhat sinister could see that in his mouth he held a very old and dirty brown hat, he had long crinesDarker color than night, one could also see that he almost didn’t have a stomach and that his legs were completely bony. 

In general I could say that it had a completely terrifying appearance and that more fear is to see it to hear it. But suddenly I saw how the horse stopped dry and turned its long neck towards me and the brightness of its eyes increased. Suddenly the horse began to run quickly in the direction of me at that time I could only feel like a cold sweat emanated from my body and traveled it whole.

From one moment to another I saw the horse in front of me, the smell of that was a mixture between sulfur and ground cinnamon, it was a rather rare mixture because the smell of sulfur gave me nausea and the smell of cinnamon I loved. Then that horse began to sniff with his bony nose and the horse suddenly put two legs I quickly turned away and closed my window and started listening to how the horse kicked the door and to all the lower parts of the house.

My parents woke up and realized what was happening and they ran. The next morning I told my parents everything that happened and I told them everything I saw they took me with the oldest woman in the town and I wonder: ‘’ what you want girl ’’- I replied in a shy voice

A-Anoche I saw that horse in the eye and for some reason unknown to me he attacked me. That lady stayed with a face of amazement and then told me to tell her how her appearance was;I told him and then I asked him the fact of why that horse wore a hat in her mouth she answered me.

Many years ago in this same town there was a very rich and respected man every day he could be seen walking through the people with his beautiful white horse and with cinnamon twigs in his mouth. Many people said that he had a special relationship with his horse and that it was the thing he wanted most in the world because he had no family or children. 

But one day he had to go on business and he observed that his horse was somewhat sad so he gave his most precious possession his hat ”he said that hat has passed from generation to generation for many years and that he would returnAt eleven o’clock at night so I wouldn’t worry but sadly the car in which he collided and he died. Since then his horse was waiting for him to return until the day of his death and until the horse does not meet his master does not rest in peace so every night at eleven appears and turns around the town looking for his master.


Then I asked the lady and because nobody leaves the town and she replied: because once you leave the town the horse will look for you until you kill you is our curse and we would attack us to live with her forever has been decided that everyoneBabies that are born in this town must be immediately taken from it before eleven o’clock at night so that if the horse does not know about its existence. The little population here is very greater and we all hope to die soon to be free.

At first I thought that my grandmother had invented it, but on the day of her funeral she was taken from the town and buried in the cemetery and since then every day that I go to the cemetery in all the saints I see herradura steps in her grave and in allthe people of that town. Currently this town is abandoned and with a poster of whether you enter, you don’t go out alive.

Free Old With Huge Wings And The Cursed People Essay Sample

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