Nonverbal Communication: How do men and women communicate differently using Non- Verbal Cues and behavior and how it matters in the workplace.

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Nonverbal Communication: How do men and women communicate differently using Non- Verbal Cues and behavior and how it matters in the workplace. Purpose The key objective of undertaking research on nonverbal communication between women and men in the workplace is to provide precise information on the people’s skills in interpreting meanings of information. It is because of the fact that men and women have different propensities on the use of nonverbal communication. Understanding gender differences is a greater milestone in improving the relationships in the organization (Knapp 77). The research is therefore aimed at signaling varied meanings of nonverbal cues in the workplace. Procedures (Research Methods & References to Secondary Sources) The study on the nonverbal communication is undertaken by carrying out numerous data collection. The data are collected randomly from the population in the workplaces. The primary sources include using information from the records, documents and the oral testimonies of key individuals (Leathers 78). The witnesses thereby have provided accounts of the reports and use of nonverbal cues. The accounts by key witnesses give a comprehensive understanding of the situation in society (Knapp 58). The experimental procedure entails the use of a group of undergraduate students of different genders. They assume different tasks in the organization in which they employ various nonverbal cues (Burgoon 117). Background Communication is the process in which two or more individuals share information either non- verbally or verbally. Nonverbal communication refers to the sharing of information with the other without using any

Free Nonverbal Communication: How do men and women communicate differently using Non- Verbal Cues and behavior and how it matters in the workplace. Essay Sample

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