Mothers age at first birth effecting infant and maternal mortality rates

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Correlations between Mother’s Age and Infant and Maternal Mortality Rates Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Abstract Infant and maternal mortality remain a major problem in today’s world despite great developments not only in the health care but also socioeconomically. Millions of children die before attaining the age of one year and about 800 women die every day internationally as a result of pregnancy or childbirth-related complications. 99 percent of these deaths occur in developing states. Various studies reveal a relationship between a mother’s age and the possibility of maternal and infant mortality. This research aims at providing empirical evidence concerning the link between the first birth age of mothers and child-mother complications and death within the first few months after delivery. The study also recognizes other factors that contribute to child-mother death including, the nutritional and socioeconomic status of the mother. This study found evidence that a mother’s age impact the overall health of an infant as well as contribute to maternal and child mortality. Adolescent and older women above the age of 35 are at higher risk of child mortality compared to those in their 20s. Literature Review The past century experienced a tremendous change in the health care sector. Despite the significant change, however, the world still records millions of maternal and child deaths every year. Women still suffer the threats of childbirth and pregnancy in conditions practically unchanged over time. Maternal problems tend to pose severe impediments on women, and unfortunately, millions of recorded newborn deaths and stillbirths are due to a

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