Marxism: Modality Of A Thought Opposite To Capitalism

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Marxism: Modality of a thought opposite to capitalism


Marxist criticisms of these three "instruments" that aims to improve the quality of life of the population in the international system, start the idea that the international system is based on production relationships, that is, inequality relationships. Inequality that is formed through the capitalist system that, in turn, generates a classification between countries: developed and underdeveloped. Starting with these premises, the criticisms of the official Development Aid (AOD) by the Marxist current are aimed at the modality in which this help is applied.


Through this, a new form of domination is being generated with which the world powers are able to penetrate and influence the internal structures of the states to which they are given a help. For dependency theory, inequalities are measured through international commercial exchange conditions. For example, with multinationals from strong economies, that is, developed countries, which exploit workers from underdeveloped countries, creating a unit. An example in which the unit is present.

It is the production of products at a lower price in underdeveloped and sold countries in developed countries at a standard price, which saturating the market will be sold in underdeveloped countries with a higher price. On the other hand, the 2030 Agenda is criticized for the fact that another economic mechanism other than consumerism is not established, that is, that many long -term objectives are set, but at what price? In order to achieve sustainable development, for example, we must use a high amount of resources that largely come from countries.

Which is intended to help and this generates an economic loss for such countries, in addition to a vicious circle of consumption and production. It is appropriate to remember that the 2030 Agenda with respect to the proposed objectives does not force any State to meet them, in fact, everything is based on the voluntariness of these, because obviously there is no superior entity that forces the states to carry out certain actionsotherwise his sovereignty would be violated. Finally, the criticisms of the Tobin Rate are about the misuse that is being given. The Tobin Rate is not a mandatory mechanism to apply.


In conclusion, not being applied by all states, the risk is that the economy of the countries that apply it is affected, with an investment leakage. In countries such as Spain, which have introduced such a measure, the transparency of market operations has been reduced, that is, financial transactions can be illegally operated in order to avoid such tax. Using is only measured against poverty in states is not enough. The rate will affect small and medium enterprises that will see their income reduced due to the increase in financial transactions. 

Free Marxism: Modality Of A Thought Opposite To Capitalism Essay Sample

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