Literature Review In Medicine

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Literature review in Medicine


Cerebrovascular disease. Cerebrovascular disease (ECV) covers any alteration of the brain that is the result of a pathological process of the vessels in that area, which include the occlusion of the interior by an plunger or a thrombus, the breakage of a glass, alterations in the permeability of thevascular wall or increase in the viscosity of blood, or other changes in its characteristics, which flows through brain vessels.


Being a sudden appearance picture and having the focal neurological deficit as the most common expression of this disease. The term cerebrovascular disease is used to describe this pathology in a general way, whether acute or chronic, ischemic or hemorrhagic (Powers, and others). Contreras, Pérez, and Figueroa affirm “cerebrovascular disease has several denominations;At present, there is globally spoke of stroke, terms in which both hemorrhagic and ischemic manifestations are covered ”. 

Greenberg mentions "cerebrovascular disease is also usually known as" cerebral infarction "and" stroke ", and in English it is called" Stroke ". It basically consists of an irreversible neurological deficit caused by the insufficient perfusion of a region of the brain or brain trunk ”. Epidemiology. ECV is the most frequent neurological pathology, knowing a worldwide incidence of approximately 200 cases per 100,000 inhabitants each year, and a prevalence of 600 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. 

The Western Pacific being the region with the highest number of deaths per ACV, followed by Sudoriental Asia and Europe (National Center for Medical Sciences Information. In recent years, the existence of a significant percentage of CVIs worldwide has been proven. Clément and others claim: it is estimated that approximately 15 million people suffer from every year suffer a stroke, of which about 5 million die and another 5 million remain with severe disabilities.

The World Health Organization estimates that every 5 seconds a stroke occurs in the world population. In addition, it is important to mention that many of the deaths from strokes happen outside a hospital which implies that this pathology can be fulminant immediately. This pathology occurs in all parts of the world, including developed countries. Kasper and others mention: In the United States, cerebrovascular diseases cause around 200.000 deaths annual and constitute an important cause of disability. 


Its frequency is increasing with age and it has been established that the number of strokes increases as the elderly population increases, so that by 2030 the number of deaths per ECV will double. Some studies have obtained as results that approximately 1.1 million inhabitants of Europe suffer a stroke every year, and the ischemic stroke represented approximately 80% of cases (Béjot, Bailly, Durier, & Giroud).

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