leader development or leadership development

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Student’s Name: Tutor’s Name:Course: Date: Leader Development The number of adults who above 25 years of age and enrolling for school continues to increase. These people go back to school to acquire knowledge for them to upgrade their jobs skills. Most of the adult students believe that education is a lifelong learning process. The process of developing leadership skills takes time. However, how far a person goes depends on how committed they are. I believe that leadership skills can be learned and developed at any age. Moreover, development of leadership skills should help a person to improve their formal and informal leadership roles (Hackman 375). The process of modeling leaders encourages personal growth. For a person to be an effective leader, they should be responsible for the development of their skills. This can be done by committing oneself to learning and building a relationship with other like-minded people. Although it takes time to develop a leader, it helps the learners to develop abilities to be able to manage themselves. The learners can work with others effectively and make sure that the work assigned is done (Hackman 374). Leadership development is important to every organization. It ensures that the leaders of the organization have proper management skills; they can coordinate and monitor the daily activities of the organization. They are also able to think and act strategically in support of the long-term vision and mission of the organization. Also, they develop creative skills. The leaders can come up with new ideas and develop solutions to problems when they arise. Leadership is the key to success in any business. Developing

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