Influence Of Sexism In The Satisfaction Of A Couple

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Influence of sexism in the satisfaction of a couple

It should be noted that, according to (United Nations Women’s Organization), it emphasizes that sexism is a problem generator and thus says that relationships between the two male and female genres cause instability with the environment in other words social instability. It is said that promoting equality between women and men is a means for society to achieve good sustainable development in this way the economic growth and scope of a peaceful, fair and inclusive society will be given, where poverty is reduced and poverty is reduced andguarantee the well -being of all people, and this is a responsibility of the public sector as private of all countries.

Satisfaction is the total of a balance in the couple between their positive and negative aspects and behaviors during their relationship. And this is positively related to love, affection, friendship, interest, sexual satisfaction and complacency of each personal need of the couple in a positive way. So it can be said that the most important and highlighting quality of a relationship is couple satisfaction and its relationship with personal well -being so it is possible that with this factor there is a greater possibility of being happy. So, satisfaction may be related to attachThe couple and this would lead to being happy possibly. If we see how attachment and satisfaction from childhood can be said that it influences feeling good and with the affection that it possibly received in their childhood, which is possibly looking for a person who complements it or showing it the same characteristicswith which the individual was growing at home and in this way he will feel safe as protected with his partner and above all satisfied this relationship. Albornoz in Chile determined a positive relationship between the components of love and welfare levels, although he did not guide his study towards a couple properly satisfaction. None of these studies included as a variable the conflict resolution method used since this would be one, which would lead to the couple feeling sure and well -being in that relationship and thus reach satisfaction within their relationship.

The importance of the influence of sexism with satisfaction with the couple is to know if there is a relationship between both. Since, according to the INEI, 10.95% of women of fertile age until 2018 at some point suffered physical violence by their partner that is to say of their partner. Also, psychological violence in a 60.3% in women between the ages of 20 to 24 years by their partner, it could be said that we seek to know if there is a relationship between them and thus be able to intervene or seek possible solutions to one of the factors that lead to violence withinA RELATIONSHIP SEDE. Also noticing that there are few research on the relationship of these variables, we decided to seek that sexism is so influenceand Maganto: 39), in satisfaction with the couple and if it could be a variable that causes violence within our country. 

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