Influence Of Christianity In The Middle Ages

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Influence of Christianity in the Middle Ages


The medieval era is related to the so -called feudalism as a mode of production;with the consolidation of Christianity as a universal religious belief;with the consolidation of national states as the first step for current states;with the cultural and scientific development that found as foundation the incipient processes of the Industrial Revolution with the sciences and art as the beginning of the current form of social and cultural organization of humanity.


This stage is the prelude to the world that we live today. World characterized by a new way of life, social classes disappear and others appear, politics rises to its maximum expression to the extent that fundamental rights of human beings begin to recognize, in the Middle Ages the pillars are seen for large builders,Inventors, writers, and the basis of modern scientificity. The role played by the Church at this time was decisive because the consolidation of Christianity.

This is one of the three great religions took place there and in the name of this religion there were conquests, discussions and belic and ideological confrontations that gave the basis for a consolidated process of the new republics of religious organizations. Likewise, illustration and encyclopedism allowed the flourishing of philosophical positions that started more from being than metaphysics. In this sense, the university becomes the training center not only to propose improvements to the quality of life of society.

It also becomes the growth center for academic debate within freedom and tolerance that must reign in discussions. The Middle Ages was characterized by the great endemic pandemics and epidemics that devastated large sectors of the population which forced to devise new social structures;that alchemy made a great leap into chemistry and that artisanal healing became the orthodox medicine we know today. On the other hand, the transformation of castes into social classes.


The progressive disappearance of slavery is also generated allowed the consolidation of capitalism as an antagonistic class structure from the position of capital consistent with the above, mercantilism makes its way within the incipient form of current capitalism by building the first forms of commercial exchange to greatscale and bases for the search for new markets which resulted in the discovery of America. 

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