Indigenous Problems And Rights In Mexico

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Indigenous problems and rights in Mexico

Indigenous people are original or native inhabitants of a country. It is associated with the Indian term that was given to the original inhabitants by the Spanish conquerors in the 16th century.

This essay aims to know the problems of the natives, it is said that they have their own language, they wear peculiar clothing The vast majority of them are in extreme poverty, they are marginalized, stripped of their own lands.

This situation cannot be general for all indigenous groups that integrate our national territory, since each one has specific problems depending on the area where they are located, at least if the majority includes.

The Political Constitution of the United Mexican States establishes that:

(Mexicans, 2015) “The nation has a multicultural composition originally supported by its indigenous peoples that are those that descend from populations that lived in the current territory of the country at the beginning of colonization and that retain their own social, economic, cultural and political institutions, or part of them "

They have had many attempts to join national culture, indigenous peoples have developed cultural defense strategies, but they have not been so effective, since the groups have been affected in their form of organization.

The colonial and modern states, in the search for economic growth, their rights to development have been denected widely. They usually lose to more powerful actors and become the most impoverished groups of their countries, that is;The third part of the poor in the world, even when they remain more numerous among the poor, illiterates and unemployed, adding about 370 million. Indigenous peoples constitute approximately 5% of the world’s population, constituting 15% of the world’s poor. 

The habit of smoking and improper use of narcotics are very common among indigenous peoples;The percentages of suicide, rapes, unwanted pregnancies and imprisonment are also high. These problems are more accentuated in urban areas where indigenous peoples are separated from their communities and cultures, and are rarely fully accepted as members of the dominant society on equal foot.

The well -being of indigenous peoples is a problem not only of developing countries. Even in the most developed countries, indigenous peoples are almost invariablylower and its unemployment cups are higher. An aboriginal child born today in Australia has life expectancy of almost 20 years less than a compatriot not aboriginal.

Studies of the socioeconomic conditions of indigenous peoples in Latin America show that being indigenous is equivalent to being poor and that over time that situation has been perpetuated. Even if they have accumulated human capital (that is, education or training opportunities), they cannot turn it into significantly greater profits or reduce poverty than the difference from the non -indigenous population. As is the case of Mexico and Chile, whose indigenous peoples constitute a small fraction of the general population, as well as countries where a large part of the population is indigenous, such as Bolivia.

According to INEGI 2015 data, 7.2 million Mexicans speak an indigenous language and almost 25.7 million (21.5% of the national population), are identified as indigenous. The communities that these people form face a situation of structural discrimination. In principle, they have historically been relegated in areas as diverse as health, education, justice and employment. (Pingingenas) 

The stereotypes that associated indigenous communities with poverty or with the lack of disposition and ability to work have reinforced this exclusion, both publicly and private.

Indigenous peoples in Mexico face important obstacles in the enjoyment of their rights;Some efforts have sought to reduce discrimination towards the population sector, but do not yet have enough capacities to serve these communities, and sometimes decision -making ignore the interests of indigenous peoples.

Due to the above and unfortunately, the neoliberal predator model persists and translates into dispossession and eviction of indigenous communities in Mexico, where mining and industries have been given, where mega projects are developed.

In a document of 174 folios the Secretary of the Interior, in Mexico there are about 335 conflicts: “Agrarian (50);mining projects (45);political-social (30);infrastructure projects (28);governmental programs and services (28);hydraulic projects (26);indigenous rights (23);Security and Justice (21);Environment (20);road projects (16);real estate development projects (12), among others.”(Becerril A. , 2018)


  • UNAM. (May 5, 2019). Retrieved on June 26, 2019, from https: //
  • Becerril, a. (January 7, 2018). Excelsior.
  • Mexicans, c. P. (July 10, 2015). Chamber of Deputies. Retrieved on June 27, 2019, from http: //
  • Pingingenas, f. (s.F.). National Council to prevent discrimination . Retrieved on June 27, 2019, from https: //
  • Tauli-Corpuz Victoria, C. M. (January 14, 2009). Retrieved on June 28, 2019, from https: // www.a.Org/ESA/SOCDEV/UNPFII/DOCUMENTS/SOWIP/Press%20Package/Sowip-Press-Package-ES.PDF

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