Importance Of Sport For Healthy Beauty

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Importance of sport for healthy beauty


We think and say: health, beauty, well -being now let’s see reality. Life allowed me to understand the reality and need of the human body;Some years ago I had the opportunity to live a very hard strong experience, accompanied by suffering, sadness pain and anguish faced me with a disease called Guillain-Barre!, And I wondered what all this is? Any day in less than 24 hours I am immobilized and the worst without understanding why? Or as? Today I have the obligation to share this story or tell why I frame my life in a cruel and strengthening way. I think you should not wait, to face something like that to react.


In my mind at that time there was only strength, temperance, but tears when I was in solitude, showed despair, anguish and a desolation that sensed a not very good end for me, or my relatives, for this I quote the medical magazine of CostaRich and Central America Lxxi, so that they understand a bit of the reality of this disease, the magazine in question argues;“Guillain-Barré syndrome is an acute disorder, where immunity attacks the peripheral nervous system, destroying myelin coverage surrounding the axons of the peripheral nerves, this corresponds to a pathological disorder of autoimmunity of which exactly is currently unknownThe trigger. 

The first symptoms of this disease include different degrees of weakness or paraesthesia in lower limbs, upper members, thorax and abdomen. Being of distal to proximal progress. This affectation can reach such intensity that the patient is totally paralyzed, since the muscles do not respond to electrical impulses. It can even interfere with breathing, blood pressure and heart rate, becoming a medical emergency. However, most patients recover, including the most severe cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome ”(Adriana, Carol, & Dyana). 

In my view, after having gone through this situation, I understood that beauty is an ornament of the human being, because when you lose health. In the recovery process, I understood that only with physical therapy my organs, systems and muscles would manage to recover something of the lost, they did not promise much, but the strength makes not faint the illusion of being better. In the first place, my goal was to recover physical health, I also managed to improve tone in my muscles and therefore my body improved even more, I even recovered mobility that I had lost because I was still still. 

In some moments I mocked myself and told me how many times I long to sleep late, but I never thought to be prostrated in a bed that horror, the ironies of life. I have been analyzing that at that time beauty did not matter, health was the priority, I believe that as many women we went through moments of insecurity and if I am sincere as it is believed and it would be said between informalism “women we stick to stick among us among ussame ". There is a permeable and leader society that stagnates and ends with dignity and is worth the clarification not only of women, also of men, adolescents and the senile community;They all fall into this game.

One day I got up and considered the option to do aesthetic surgery, after consulting with my doctor and checking. Yes, I went well! If you can call you to be sore and mistreated, but the ego of being beautiful, could more. How much beauty pain! Today I understand that the prompt and good recovery was partly because of the exercise that had been practicing time before surgery, and I think the need to continue exercising in me. Now with the purpose of also improving health and maintaining the results of surgery, I understand that food changes will help me get better result in my body and health.

I think that if we see these characters that do sports on healthy social networks we can see and analyze that they have done and instead of throwing criticism, and asking what can they do to have that lifestyle? What changes must be made to improve physical and mental health? What will be the purposes?. According to my point of view, sports or physical activity accompanies the human being, since it was born only that he does not value him and does not assume the discipline of self-care, I believe that if we read the documentary of obesity conditions they will realize that it is notOnly my opinion, which is a reality and very cruel cited.

Obesity is associated with a large number of diseases, favoring its appearance, facilitating its progression and worsening its prognosis, this fact is especially important in morbid obesity. The Department of Internal and Family Medicine of Barcelona says that, “a high BMI is an important risk factor of noncommunicable diseases, such as: cardiovascular diseases (mainly heart disease and strokes). Diabetes. Locomotor apparatus disorders (especially osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease of very disabled joints). 


Some cancers (endometrium, breast, ovaries, prostate, liver, gallbladder, kidneys and colon).”(Department of Internal Family Medicine). In other words, I believe that we stop acting by society that are not conformist either, but they do want and take care of their physical and mental health “that the body and beauty are coming in addition“ when sports is done. In conclusion, it should be understood that for many it is: I will spend money on the gym, tennis and clothes, or even worse the one who loves me, because he loves me that way, but hey leave the excuses aside and beginTo understand that health when the collection list passes you, there is no time, or money that solves you, it can be too late for when reacting. Put the batteries!.


Adriana, m., Carol, m., & Dyana, C. Neurology Syndrome

GUILLAIN BARRE. Medical Magazine of Costa Rica and

Central America LXXI, 261-265.

Department of Internal and Family Medicine. (January 12, 2018).

Free Importance Of Sport For Healthy Beauty Essay Sample

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