Identity, Tolerance And Exclusion

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Identity, tolerance and exclusion

Discrimination is the unequal and exclusive treatment of groups and individuals for their belonging to a group or by the assumption of belonging to said group. This unequal or exclusive treatment can cause certain people not to have permission to access certain places such as schools, discos or gyms or accessing certain jobs. Discrimination can manifest with insults, but also boycotting certain merchandise from specific groups. It can arise as a type of marginalization, of stereotyped images that are represented in the media or in training. There is also discrimination when the interests of a given group are not assumed by politics or when the people of a group are not represented in political estates.

Racism as a certain form of marginalization, hierarchy and unequal treatment of people for their external features related to classifications of groups such as ethnicity, nation, culture or religion. Racism is a sample of privileges, behaviors, laws, organizational structures, images and cultural concepts that support this hierarchy and exclusion. This hierarchy and the established privileges that are reproduced, are historically marked by European colonial history.

Racism, being one of the most serious problems of respect for human rights, is usually seen negatively, even for those who perform clearly racist actions. Few are considered racist, and yet racism is widespread in our society. Therefore, it is a priority to carry out the commitments and actions assumed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The existence of non -discriminatory social mobility mechanisms that guarantee a real equality of opportunities for all (regardless of the social, national, cultural, ethnic or religious origin) constitutes an element for the successful incorporation of immigrant populations to democratic societies and a guarantee in the fight against racism and discrimination. As we have already spoken, social racism is the result of the burden and influence exerted by institutional racism. It is from this relationship that we analyze the main aspects or indicators of racism and discrimination that are currently given in the field of education in Spain.

For this reason it must be required that schools incorporate the fight against racism and discrimination, as well as respect for diversity, in its management and functioning; 

  • ensure that human rights education is taught from preschool education onwards, and because teaching materials are free of racist content and updated with a view to reflecting the diversity and plurality of society; 
  • ensure that schools adopt and enforce a code of conduct against racism and racial discrimination for students and staff; Y 
  • monitor racist incidents in schools and establish policies to end them; 
  • Training should be given to teaching staff to work with children of all origins; 
  • and students of students in the decisions of their schools aimed at promoting equality and non -discrimination in education should be included; 
  • Fight against any segregation of children of minority groups in schools, preventing them from concentrating on separate classes and helping them learn the teaching language.



“The conflict is part of the coexistence, but a school that assumes this takes care that its expression does not end by excluding, stigmatizing or violating the dignity of the other impunity. Anticipating conflicts, recognizing and solving them through mutual understanding or search for meeting points, and facilitating resolution roads without avasment is the fundamental work of an inclusive school. The conflict is faced and conducted as part of the human construction process ”(Hirmas and Ramos, 2013: 48).

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