Hand Washing As A Determining Factor

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Hand washing as a determining factor


Hospital infections represent a serious public health problem. It is estimated, that around 100 are produced in Ecuador.000 deaths a year caused by this type of infections. In this context, hand washing constitutes a determining factor for the decrease in infections during health care. It is widely known that the hands are the main route of transmission of infectious agents during health care. In fact, already in 1847 the Hungarian Dr. Igmaz Semmelweis, in an attempt to discover the cause of the high puerperal fever and maternal mortality rates in one of his pavilions.


Repaired that both were related to poor hands and equipment hygiene by medical staff. Actually, Semmelweis realized that less death occurred in the pavilion treated by midwives who attended doctors, and after an exhaustive observation concluded that this was due to doctors brought "cadaveric particles" from the morgue. Therefore, he installed sink for constant handwashing and established a equipment sterilization protocol, so that the mortality figures were drastically reduced. 

More than 30 years passed, until Pasteur, Lister and Koch could demonstrate that those "cadaveric particles" were bacterial infectious agents. And that, in effect, they were the causal agents of diseases;And although Semmelweis did not enjoy any recognition, his contributions have saved millions of lives. However, nosocomial infections remain a problem that, only in the United States, costs 800 thousand lives and 5.7 million dollars a year. Therefore, in 2008, WHO established October 15 as the International Hand Washing Day, in an attempt to raise awareness of health personnel about the importance of this practice.

Correct handwashing and disinfection technique. We must not forget that as doctors, in our hands it is saving millions of lives, so you have to: get your hands with running water.  Apply enough soap and extend it on all hands surfaces. Firmly rub a hand against the opposite hand in the following order: first the palm against the back of the opposite hand, then both palms intertwining the fingers, then the thumb with a rotation movement and finally the tip of the fingers. Repeat the process with the opposite hand. Rinse hands and dry with a disposable towel.


The "dry washing" technique with gel alcohol is similar and can be done whenever the hands are not visibly dirty. The 5 moments for the hygiene of the hands according to the protocol established by the WHO, there are 5 moments in which every member of the health personnel must wash their hands: before direct contact with the patient. Before performing an aseptic task despite the use of gloves. After exposure to fluids or bodily secretions. After contact with the patient. After contact with the patient’s environment and the healthcare environment. 

Free Hand Washing As A Determining Factor Essay Sample

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