Gender Violence Among Minors

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Gender violence among minors

Gender violence discriminatory attitude based on the inequality of men in front of women, for the mere fact of being. Frequently, the terms machismo and sexism tend to confuse when dealing with the problem of gender violence, understanding them as synonyms or homonyms, when in reality they have different meanings. At this extreme, it is necessary to emphasize one of the fundamental pillars that derives in a situation of gender violence, and it is none other than sexism. This concept has been suffering an evolutionary process throughout these years for classical sexism or hostile sexism is understood that it is “a prejudiced or discriminatory attitude, based on the inferiority of women as a group”, that is, it is based on stereotypesgender to justify behavior.

On the other hand, at present, sexism, although it continues to maintain that postulate based on inequality, inferiority and discrimination towards women as a collective, is much more subtle than once. This "benevolent" or subtle sexism results in it to be largely, more difficult to detect both by the victims, not to identify in time the indications of the existence of the same, as well as by the institutional agents, which they have as as they have asobjective to detect gender violence that in this case, adolescents can suffer.

Sexism is the fundamental basis in which gender violence materializes, as the most radical expression of it, as a result of the permanence of social and cultural elements that currently subsist, creating a series of differentiating models between men between menand women, who are transmitted in society, and above all in youngThe protection that women need by man, configuring the latter as being dominant, and therefore, superior, thanks to that difference in power.

In conclusion, sexist ideology acts as a conductive axis to maintain and favor inequality relationships, giving rise to negative situations for the less favored group (woman) that can culminate in episodes of gender violence

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