Gender Equity And The Effects Of Discrimination

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Gender equity and the effects of discrimination


Today talking about gender is of fundamental importance for its impact on the development of men and women, in the construction of more just and respectful societies of human dignity. History has given us multiple discrimination samples, especially about women, whose origin is in sexual and cultural stereotypes. Overcoming these problems is a work that demands attention from different fronts: political, legal and, of course, cultural and educational.

We have to admit that men and women have the same equalities and rights, not being a man is the only one that can be overcome, now women also have the same rights of being able to overcome and not be the same submissive as our ancestors. Women, boys girls or boys who are discriminated have to understand that knowing that their aggressor or aggressor is not the only one who has rights, should know and understand that we are all the same as anyone has to hurt us physically or psychologically. There is a very interesting phrase that says ‘equality is the soul of freedom; In fact, there is no freedom without her ‘, that phrase is very inspiring since it says that equality is the soul of freedom, without equality we would all be imprisoned for discrimination we would not be free to want to overcome us regardless of the reason that is if it is if You are a man or woman without equality you would not be free you would not feel free to do and be what you have always dreamed of being. Equity is very important for everyone and we should all know this valuable and interesting topic.


According to: (Bayona, 2014): 

Gender violence has been giving from ancient villages to the seventeenth century when some people begin to condemn brutal violence against women outside the home. In the Middle Ages the ideas of inequality of women who in large country are still valid today were strengthened today.

Gender violence has been presented since several decades ago and although these situations can already be sued in some countries, in others there is still violence and not only against women in some cases are also men who suffer from violence.

According to: (National Institute of Statistics and Census)

For a few decades, the study of violence against women is a form of discrimination that seriously prevents enjoying rights and freedoms with men with men. At the national level there is a total violence of 64.9 %, at urban level 65.7 %.and rural level 62.8 %. Among all the data granted of the investigation in the province of Chimborazo, violence against women has a percentage of 57.8 % as we can notice is a very serious cause to enter into awareness and learn more about gender equity.

I have conducted a small research on gender violence that exists at the national and provincial level in this case of the province that I belong to the province of Chimborazo. We have to raise awareness and try to reach people who are attacked either physical, psychological. And also try to get to the aggressors and make them see that what they do is wrong that we do not have to attack anyone or make them feel less.

According to: (Gender Equity, 2019). 

One of the main cause of gender discrimination is religion since in some religions they place women under men and create a patriarchal society. Since in some religions they are very strict on some issues such as that women always have to obey their man and if it does not be as a sin.

Genesis, 3; 16. Your husband will dominate you. From the beginning, in the first book of the Bible, the thing begins badly for women, to which God himself places below man: “The woman told her: I will multiply the pains of your pregnancy, you will give birth to your children with pain; You will wish your husband, and he will dominate you.

Other causes are the education system, it may be that all their lives lived with violence and the effect is that the woman or man, girl or boy will grow and will see it normal as if that happened in all families.

Another cause is the physical factors since women are often weaker and susceptible than men, which makes us more easily discriminated, attacked and even and sometimes sexually abused. These are not the only causes and effects for now cite 3 examples but there are millions, and millions of causes and effects for gender discrimination.

Gender equity 

It is a set of ideas, beliefs and social values ​​in relation to sexual difference, gender, equality and justice regarding behaviors, functions, opportunities, valuation and relationships between men and women.

It is a very important issue and as I said it is interesting before, it is an issue that each of the people knows especially the people who are currently being attacked, violated either physical or sexually those people have to know that they do not have to endure be attacked by her husbands, or even in some cases wives since we all have the same rights and the same duties.

No one is more than anyone we are all the same. The aggressor in case of being a man has to understand that not by hitting the woman he becomes more "male" and the woman has to understand that she does not always have to be submissive and let himself be hit by her "male".

One of the best examples of inequality occurs in education matters. In many countries, girls still have much less opportunities to go to school than boys, especially for historical and social reasons: they are dedicated to taking care of the house and their education is not considered so important. Here present some of the reasons why I chose this topic as you can see is a very interesting and complete importance because nobody deserves to be attacked.

Gender equity is a very important issue that we should all be aware of what it is, what it is about, we should all be aware that we have no right to discriminate against someone already because of their sexuality, their skin color , or his sexual preferences to the final are all the same to the image of God as we have said before we do not have the right to discriminate against someone since no one is perfect, we all have defects some worst than others, however knowing that no one is perfect We dare to offend a person in the case of a woman that the husband or boyfriend hit him that person has to remember that that person was born from a woman, and one day he could have a daughter who would not like to be treated So.


It is important to promote common values ​​such as respect for human rights and equality between women and men, as well as the shared idea that rights.

It is concluded that gender equity is a symbol of respect for another person regardless. Since if importing the aforementioned we all have the same rights and duties and no one has to be discriminated against either sexual, physical or psychologically. The talks have helped us to raise awareness of people on the aforementioned topic. And if there are still cases of discrimination, they do not give to silence since there are laws with which they can defend themselves from their aggressor.

Equal rights, opportunities and access to resources, as well as the equitable distribution of family and care responsibilities between men and women, contribute to support the multiple roles of women and men and are vital for their well -being and that of their families. The importance of parents’ role in raising children and the care of other dependents should also be recognized. Therefore, efforts should be intensified to improve the balance between private and work life with a view to supporting both women and men throughout life, considering that, to achieve gender equality , it is key to have quality assistance services.


In the case of educational institutions:

Enhance gender free games. It is important to plan recreational activities that are not classified as belonging to a single genre. In this way, students are not attributed characteristics according to their gender but mode.

I put as an example football or basketball since in certain places these two games are considered that it is practiced mostly by men or by women.

In certain places it is said that football is a strong sport that should only be practiced by men and here and we have discrimination against women. In the same way it is said that basketball is practiced only by women and instead we have discrimination against men.

Identify television programs where values ​​are promoted:

Prepare a list of television programs that promote values ​​such as tolerance, respect and gender equality, thus establishing a classification on the correct behaviors that are socially promoted and recognizing those that should be avoided.


  1. National Institute of Statistics and Census . (2019). INEC. Obtained from https: // www.Ecuadorencifras.Gob.EC/VIOLENCE-GENERO/
  2. Abramo, l. (2006). Obtained from http: // guiaderecursos.measure.GUB.UY/INNOVAPORTAL/File/21571/1/12_OIT-WORK.PDF
  3. Bayona, J. Z. (25 of 11 of 2014). you is. Obtained from Jorge Zurita Bayona
  4. Gender equality. (2019). Obtained from https: // the design of geneanenero/discrimination-of-genener/description
  5. Liopardo. (2019). Obtained from https: //
  6. C. d. (June 16, 2016). European Council . Obtained from European Council: https: // www.Consilium.Europe.EU/ES/Press/Press-RELEESES/2016/06/16/EPSCO-CONCLUSIONS-GERDER-EQUALITY/NTRODUCTION


Free Gender Equity And The Effects Of Discrimination Essay Sample

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