Freud In The 21st Century, Consequences Of Its Discovery

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Freud in the 21st century, consequences of its discovery


First "Freud in the 21st century. Consequences of its discovery ‘(Bolívar Ochoa, 2008), is an article that provides tribute to this great historical character known as the father of psychoanalysis, and it is not for less, because its greatest discovery and its object of study “the unconscious” thewhich was a new and risky invention that separated him from phenomenology based on the suspicions that there is something beyond a conscious or rational scenario, because this proposes that there is another almost inaccessible mental site where our desires, impulses, prohibitions, prohibitions are found, traumas and repressions that are usually those that allow us to adapt to a cultural environment that is responsible for regulating our behavior and language therefore favors community life, but the same could become against us and the rest, because it happensthat when the magnitude of the repression is so great it is intolerable to endure. This so unknown part detected it mainly after listening to his patients carefully and that was what helped him formulate his theory known as "metapsychology" and his method "psychoanalytic therapy" or "analysis" that is known today as "psychoanalysis”, Consequently, it results in a method of treatment based on the importance of listening and the practice of the word, then it also publishes one of its most influential works the interpretation of dreams that makes known the operations that support the unconscious, itsBase is so revolutionary that we currently continue studying its principles and methods, some prevail and others have been changing in order to be improved.


Personally, I think it is something incredible that Sigmund Freud has been able to design such an important theory, especially since it is a fairly controversial proposal, because it makes it known that there is also a dark side of their theorizations, since they have a limit,Since there are manifestations, drives, sensations that do not have the possibility to be observed and demonstrated, in addition the scientific speeches of their time were equally indigmous, therefore, their effectiveness was quite questioned, as well as if the psychoanalysis proposal should be considered withinof the scientific field. However the unconscious according to Freud (1915). “It is necessary, because consciousness data is highly incomplete. Both in the healthy and in the sick, psychic acts arise frequently, whose explanation presupposes others that consciousness does not offer us any testimony ”(p. two). Especially in this part I agree that its relevance is seen in the therapeutic function where it serves to find conflicts that the same person blocked and that through interpretations about the history of patients and their dreams, which are subjective parts that emerge inThe unconscious, are the best way in which consciousness can arise to be able to be understood in some way. The meeting with his patients allowed Freud to find the way to follow for the study of subjectivity, research that would allow him to formulate a rigorous theoretical body and over time a method capable of study).


In summary, the teaching that I extract from this text is that many times people have great ideas, but they need to share them and above all determination to submit them to rigorous tests over and over again until they find methods and foundations that support with evidenceScientists to allow its use, even so you will always see positions against or favor, but that only shows that the world has already given its due importance to learn, study and have a critical opinion. This gives the relevance of Sigmund Freud, his bases revolutionized the world with his proposal of the unconscious, although many differ on these theories are the basis of what is known as psychoanalysis and what could be to come from nowHis name is still commemorated and part of the story. Finally, I consider that the most relevant contributions of psychoanalysis within the exercise of psychology are that it could provide studies on the mental psyche, the unconscious and what is known as "psychic apparatus" represented as an iceberg. Another contribution is evidenced within the therapy where great advances are highType of therapies that relies on Freud’s studies, especially its vital importance is highlighted, since at this time of contemporaneity it is mentioned that more problems such as divorces, breakdown of rules, new forms of sexuality, problems of sexuality, problems began to emerge, problems, problems, problemsIn the educational field, excessive substance consumption, depression and suicide where the psychoanalyst is responsible for finding the reasons that cause conflicts preventing that when they discover them they are covered again because it emphasizes that many times human beings avoid facing our most private truths.


  • Bolívar Ochoa, G. (2008). Freud in the 21st century consequences of his discovery tribute to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sigmund Freud. Ces Psychology Magazine, 1 (1), 51-60.
  • Domínguez, j. P. (August 2018). Psychoanalysis and its place between science. Obtained from Scielo: https: // scielo.CONICYT.CL/SCIELO.PHP?script = sci_arttext & pid = s0718-50652018000200044
  • Freud, s. (1915). The unconscious. Obtained from https: // = com_djclassifieds & format = raw & view = download & task = download & fid = 2689

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