Feminist Struggle Against Gender Violence

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Feminist struggle against gender violence


The feminist struggle against gender violence is an issue that is currently present. Measuring the incidence of this violence is a very complicated task, since some women do not even know that they are being mistreated. Therefore, we must know how to differentiate violence in general and registered figures of violence. The main types of violence are physical and sexual aggression, which are the most obvious, and psychological violence, which is one of the most common but also one of the most difficult to detect by the victim.


Before the feminist movement, the women who denounced being raped were suspected of having consented to such aggression and was also a dishonor for the family and a social repudiation. Today things have changed, women have ceased to be repudiated for it. Hidden violence is gradually coming to light. If administrations do not have important figures for such violence, their policies will not be taken seriously, therefore, it cannot be prevented or intervened. By a band, domestic violence remains not the one that most but difficult to demonstrate.

Many victims continue to suffer until both physical and psychologically and morally. Police do not always act upon receiving these complaints and sometimes when they do it is too late. Other women prefer to endure the aggressor to protect their children or, since they fear that such an aggressor attacks children also or because they depend economically on the husband. In other cases the woman is psychologically destroyed and begins to think that she deserves to be treated like this. 

Therefore, these cases are not registered until unfortunately the aggressor ends the life of women. Machista violence is not alone in Spain, much less. In fact, a third of European women have suffered sexist violence and one in every twenty has been violated. Yes, it is true, that in the Nordic countries there are more records and data, since they present a better result in the gender equality index. On the other hand, many of the sexual aggressions have been in the childhood of the victims and they saw it as a taboo issue and that is why they did not report, because they felt ashamed. 


Society has evolved a lot when intervening in cases of sexist violence, but it is not yet enough to prevent new cases. In addition, not all women are able to report or open up to someone to tell the situation of aggression that they are living, therefore, they cannot be helped. Other women are not aware that they are mistreating them either because it is psychological or because they are so morally bad that they think they deserve it. Luckily, society is progressively improving and in a few years we will be as aware as the inhabitants of the Nordic countries.

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