Fear Of Death In Adults To Adults

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Fear of death in adults to adults


Since time immemorial, death has always been linked to human being, in some cultures a punishment consequence of sin, in others a new life, moving from one state to another, reborn. Death is part of the vital trajectory of life, a natural consequence, is the definitive and irreversible cessation of functions, with loss of the subject-world relationship and its status as a human entity, of visible existence. On the other hand, Kubler E, in his investigation he says that it is only a transition from this life to another existence in which there is no longer pain or anguish 

However, the way of living it is totally different in each individual, this will depend his perception, in the same way the behavior of man before death throughout history has always been full of ambiguities, between the inevitability of death and hisrejection. With the cult of the dead they are conferred a kind of immortality in memory. The phenomenon of death has led from early times, the most complex and elaborate systems of religious magical beliefs and practices, which have served humanity, of all time and cultures, to explain, understand and manage the physical fact of thedeath, this is observed in funeral rituals, not only current, but also ancient and even prehistoric.


The different cultures and the different generations have approached in a peculiar and differentiated way the issue of death, relating it to various beliefs and customs. Fundamental distinctions refer to the way people prepare for death and the way of behaving survivors behind it. Science has enabled the increase in life expectancy, however, death is an inevitable reality. At first, death was accepted as irremediable and this was largely due to the fact that frequent encounters were produced with it during the course of life. In Western culture the theme of death is more frequently evaded, because it is considered a taboo and is associated with fear of the unknown, pain and suffering, generating permanent and collective denial. Death is an event that causes different feelings, especially fear and confusion, generally this fear is not so much to die, but how it will come, and if this will be painful.

The fear of death refers specifically to the conscious response that the human being has before death, where the mediating variables are related to the fear of loss of himself, to the unknown, beyond death, to thepain and suffering, the well -being of family surviving members. Fear arises as a result of the lack of meaning of life and death itself. The famous Greek philosopher Socrates affirms the fear of death, gentlemen, it is nothing other than being wise without being, since it is to believe to know about what is not known. Perhaps death is the greatest blessing of the human being, nobody knows it and, nevertheless, the world fears him as if he knew with absolute certainty that is the worst of evils.

The process of dying is something that generates fear and uncertainty, is an event of life, that every human being lives individually, Holter defined the fear of death as “an emotional reaction that implies subjective feelings of displeasure and concern, based onThe contemplation or anticipation of any of the different facets related to death. Collet and Lester 1969 define the fear of death in a multidimensional way, clearly differentiating between fear of death as such and fear of the process of dying, that is, what leads individuals to respond differently to the notion of death asState or as a process.

In the elderly they raise an amount of emotions in relation to death, however, death is not in itself the one that causes these fears, but the way in which it can reach and suffering, pain, agony, that this cangenerate. To this was referred. It’s just that I don’t want to be there when it happens. Neimeyer, Wittkowski and Moser 2004 define anxiety related to death as a set of attitudes towards death that are characterized by feelings of fear, threat, discomfort and diffuse anxiety.


In a study conducted by Vilches. L. In which the attitudes of older adults (from 65 to 75 years) were examined towards death, it was discovered that these were directly related to the concept of pain and suffering. A lot of concern was found for causing family members and not being able to comfort them, rather than for the same fact of dying. Negative attitudes were also found towards death if it is involved diseases or supplications, such as violent deaths or caused by others.

Sometimes the fear of death can be confused with the process of dying, I feel these two totally different concepts or processes. The fear of death is something that at some point in life is generated in each individual, especially in the elderly, since it is to speak in the end of the life cycle. Death is a natural process of life that is not reversing, it is something uncertain. The process of dying is personal, and the way in which this process is lived or faced will depend on the perception that the individual has on it, this process will also depend on their culture, religion and society. 

Free Fear Of Death In Adults To Adults Essay Sample

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