Extreme Tribalism And Human Rights

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Extreme tribalism and human rights

Human rights make up the main basis of our development as a society. These in their essence are inalienable, corresponding to all as human beings. But it is a reality that, by analyzing the history of various countries, including mine, these rights that in its definition seem obvious to all, have been constantly outraged, the main reason being the bias that occurs between individuals product of tribalism,to such an extent of the individual territory of opposite thoughts, without measuring the consequences that this generates.

If attention is paid to the various means of information, either, television and/or newspapers, we will realize that, there are countries in the Middle East at war, individuals living in absolutely deplorable situations, and, also, people working in conditions forNothing optimal. It should be noted that alterations to human rights existed and exist throughout the world, which is why my country is not outside of these realities.

In Chile, the impact of the time of the military dictatorship during 1973-1990 was enormous in every aspect, promoting a political polarization that has remained until today, settling in the roots of our history as a society.

One of the aspects that most impacted when analyzing what happened at the time of dictatorship was the issue of exiles, a product to which a priori is very serious to have to abandon the life that a person carried with “normality” long ago. There are two variants of exiles, the volunteer, when social, political conditions, and/or for any other cause, lead the individual to the determination of self-exile by fear. And there is also forced exile, product of arbitrary decisions, in this context, in the name of the military government.

In this essay, I intend to study the impact generatedfundamental as freedom. Specifically I intend to argue that being exiled generates deep psychological damage, and therefore attentive the right to life, in its quality dimension. In the same way, exemplify with cases of recognized people who suffered from exiles and analyze the situation based on their testimonies.

First of all, it must be clear what rights are being violated when talking about exiles.

In the first instance, the Declaration of Human Rights indicates in its number one article: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and, endowed as they are of reason and conscience, they must fraternally behave with each other.”(UN, 1948). This principle is the fundamental basis of human rights, and it seems extremely important to me, a product that due to the military dictators It forms one of the first and main background that will later generate the exile of people.

On the other hand, the Declaration of Human Rights guarantees three fundamental rights in human beings, mentioned in article number three: "Every individual has the right to life, freedom and security of their person" (UN, 1948). This is equivalently to say that all the dimensions of life must be respected and promoted, whether quality, quantity and capacity, which is present in the work done by an outstanding academic in the area:

The richness of a people should be measured by the quantity, the quality of life that is born, grows and develops in people and in society and this will undoubtedly translate into the real power of creation that inhabits the heart of that People in each person. More important than the economic income per capita, it is its entry into quantity, qualities and capacity of 28 life, since the first can be subsidized, but these do not exist in the free and autonomous realization of human dignity. (Domínguez, 1983)

It is that aspect where a problem arises because exile generates an attack on the dimension of quality of life. Several studies conducted by exiled psychologists and by the Social Aid Foundation of the Christian Churches (FASIC), demonstrate and point out some psychological and social problems that trigger have been exiled, within them are:

  • Feeling of loss of identity: it causes an inhibition in the person, generating problems to insert itself into society in the future.
  • Feeling of transience: product to the desires to return, there are situations of emotional and material instability in the face of uncertainty about the duration that exile would have.
  • Transculturation: the difficulty of transferring and processing the elements of diverse cultures, this later generates bi culture

Likewise, there is a very important right in the full development of the life of an individual, as is the right to freedom, mentioned in article number nine: "No one may be arbitrarily detained, imprisoned or banished" (UN,1948).

To better complement the latter, it is importantResponsible for their actions.”(RAE, 2006). That is, the individual must have the power and decision -making ability to do with his life, which includes in which country to live and who to do it, what he looks like to carry out the involuntary exiles generated in the military dictatorship.

There are various exile testimonies, which support the facts and consequences that they generate. In this context it is unfortunate to have to mention Nora Strejilevich, an Argentine woman who was exiled from her country and her testimony is collected in the book "A single large death" written by Nely Maldonado:

[Referring to Nora Strejilevich] have made her a foreigner forever. Jewish root, exile and marginality have signed their lives since he lived in Argentina and have been configuring over the years a kind of marginal identity. She refers to it:

"Each place catalogs me differently, although the common denominator is foreigner … at the same time, for pure challenge, I identify with all categories, especially with the segregates. Those that in my case are: woman, Jewish and Latin American, three labels that do not seem to be favorable to climb the social staircase ”(Maldonado, 2005)

It should be noted that exile prohibited the re -entry of the country of people in said condition, which broken in its essence the number of thirteen, which indicates:

Everyone has the right to circulate freely and choose their residence in the territory of a state.

Every person has the right to leave any country, even their own, and to return to their country. (UN, 1948)

This is how any situation determined by the exile of a person outside the country, were the reasons that were attempted against the human rights of the person.

Finally, it can be concluded that product of extreme tribalism, there were human rights to carry through exile, affecting individuals in their dimension of quality of life product to psychological damage, and, also, in their right to the right to thefreedom. This allows us to question the vital role that fulfills the free decision of each of us, and the ability that we must have to discern between good and evil, not influencing ourselves by the thoughts that can be established as correct in the group thatWe belong, on the other hand, it must also be pointed out about the importance of the task that the State must carry being guarantor of human rights, and that, at that time, shone by its absence.

I would like to end up citing article number two of the Declaration of Human Rights: “Everyone has the rights and freedoms proclaimed in this declaration, without any distinction of race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion or of any other nature, national or social origin, economic position, birth or any other condition ”(UN, 1948). Where, it can be seen that we all have the right and freedoms indicated, regardless of the way of thinking and/or political color of the person, that is why, as a society, we must not let ourselves go.

Finally, it is important to point out that, in the first instance, all kinds of action that restricts any human right and/or some dimension of this must recognized as a crime by society in a transversal way. After this, together, we must reflect in order to react in the future with policies aimed at the common good, and not skew within our ideologies, without seeing the reality behind everything. 

Free Extreme Tribalism And Human Rights Essay Sample

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