Fear Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

fear of the gods and stop worshiping them. One day, Prometheus asked Zeus to give fire so that men could cook the meat, to which Zeus replied: “That raw meat is eaten!"So, at night, Prometheus went up to Olympus and stole a little fire from the car of the sun and hid it. I returned to men with this fire, he taught them how to use it in their daily work. Zeus burned anger when he learned about what happened, so he decided to punish Prometheus and his creatures. Prometheus condemned him to be eaten in his guts by an eagle forever and men sent a "gift" made by Hefesto: a woman named Pandora. Epimeteo surrendered to the charms and the extraordinary beauty of this new being. So much...

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fear of being selfish for looking for our own good. By this I do not mean that we do what we feel like and satisfy every whim, but to practice the virtues and values ​​that the survival of the human being requires, managing to understand the adequate selfish morality. A morality where man does not have to sacrifice himself for others, nor others for us.  ...

fear at the beginning, but then they talked to the witch at the same time they ate the sweets. The witch thought about how the boys eat, and for a moment, she had smoke in the air and disappeared. Hansel and Gretel started talking to think about how the witch. Hansel told Gretel the most important thing is that you listen to me. There was only a little time before the witch was going back, and the boys had to have their plans to eat the old woman. They already knew that if they didn't eat the witch, she was going to eat the boys. When the witch returned, she was aggravated because Hansel and Gretel were talking to each other, without her. Gretel saw that and thought what to do. Hansel and Gretel...

fear of being imprisoned when trying to make his confession. On one occasion he was summoned to the police station, but it was for him to sign a role, since he had a debt without paying. At that moment he feels a great impulse to confess his crime, but when he thinks it a little more he stops and retracts. Seeing that he became the type of person he hated decided to surre. He is sent to Siberia prisons to fulfill his sentence and Sonia accompanies him, at that time Raskolnikov realizes that he loves her and when his sentence ends he wants to live with...

fear of failing . This book is full of advice on how to get ahead despite the difficulties, putting in the first place, "take the first step¨. It is based on the "shackles" that each human being carries within himself. That is why Rodrigo Dávila Soley gives us as an example real stories of great characters that broke their shackles and being successful people. Living examples to follow us depend attitudes and thought, decisions and actions to achieve positive changes, according to this having a positive development in turn, living an extraordinary experience It reflects the different barriers that the human being imposes mentally, that through them, many people decide Failure...

fear of being judged or rejected, but it should not be so if the same Nobel Prize in Feynman science accepted having made mistakes and achieved success thanks to it, then everyone can also use it asMethod to improve and learn. On the other hand, in the educational part, errors are a great exercise to learn, since it can be seen that in the classrooms both the teacher and the students are wrong, but it is through accepting these that allows to learn inThis case improve teaching-learning. Therefore, in a kind of mathematics or physics it can be seen that students make mistakes constantly, the teacher is the one who enters to correct that errors and make students learn from them. Therefore, it is...

fear. It is said that to this day the voices of the university students imploring help are heard, Hades leaves in the rainy nights to take the souls of the boys who walk through the halls of the university in search of fun, but unfortunately their laments are finishedlistening from...

fear of causing many doubts in humanity. In the work entitled "The creation of Adam" by Miguel Ángel, who was considered an expert in the anatomy, he revealed that in his work there were parts of the human organ, if we carefully observed the work mentioned above, we can notice that the layer that surrounds People who are within him, you can see the shape and contour of a human brain, in which it follows that he painter tried to express that God created man with intelligence and wisdom. Da Vinci's most relevant work was "La Mona Lisa", the author of this work always tried to hide codes or letters hidden in his paintings and the peculiarity that exists in that work, are his eyes,...

fear of external opinions, for that reason I consider that this cycle of violence has been drastically increased in recent years, the opinion of society has more importantThat our own security, or on the other hand they believe that by having a traditional family this will give their children a better life, but in the end this circle only increases and disperses in a terrifying way, in Ecuador the femicide rate increases fromconsiderable way, this is usually given in low -income sectors, where women are considered more...

fear that something happens to them because, being alone, no one will find out.You have unstable blood pressure the anxiety experienced by people who are alone can increase blood pressure.  On the contrary, inactivity makes it descend. As a consequence there is a very dangerous instability that can lead to heart attacks or other heart disease.Difficulty in controlling diabetesla diabetes is also affected by the anxiety crises suffered by people who are alone. This is because stress increases blood sugar level. Final advice: If you think you could be suffering from loneliness, go to a doctor immediately so that it evaluates you because this isolation could be harmful to your health. It would also...