Explain Essay Samples and Topic Ideas

explain a given reality through the appropriate concepts, so ethics would be an explanation of human behavior. Implying that the value of ethics as the theory is in what explains and not in what it...

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Explain how the state should be for the neutral sea. Now, a state will only be fair if your citizens are. This is where we enter the subject of dialogue: justice, both in each person who lives in the city, and the city itself. To define justice in the human being, invented, first, in the same state. Following the Socratic moral intellectualism, Plato is convinced that justice is achieved through education.  The two myths that are used in the educational process, and in experience. First book of the Republic The dialogue begins by presenting Socrates and Glaucon in the Pyrenees after attending the parties of the goddess Bendis or Athena. In the city he meets Polemarco, who was accompanied by...

explain and show you images of all tropical and exotic flowers that exist. Find here all kinds of strange, beautiful flowers, colors and also the flowers that are in danger of extinction. Types of tropical and exotic flowers in the world Next, enjoy this list of photos where you will find all the races and types of exotic plants or flowers. Discover this immense list of the strangest flowers and their scientific names. We show you a list where you will find the main species and types of common and scientific name of the strangest tropical flowers in the world. Developing What are considered to be the flowers cataloged as exotic or tropical? What do exotic flowers mean? Exotic flowers are a bush...

explain my opinion wishing that viewers or people who get to read this text, bemotivate, understand and look for a path that leads them to win in a war, without fighting. This book is a deep philosophy and feels its bases in deception as the main weapon to beat the war, it is composed of thirteen chapters, which each of them presents strategies that must be addressed to be better in a field and notprecisely battle. Something important that seemed to me from the author, is that he mentions that "in the war you not only have to know howall. The author presents five factors that are important and that must be in mind in a conflict, the road, the weather conditions, the terrain, the authority or...

Explain that in the area the vectors are used, which can have a number of rows and 1 column or vice versa. However, this is only the beginning, since within matrix algebra you can find different types of matrices such as transposed, square, symmetrical, diagonal, climbing and identity. In turn, different types of operations are carried out with them such as seeking their equality, their sum, multiplication, among others. Author Laura (2012) explains that matrices are used in different areas. The best known are in geography, programming and economy. In geography they are used to calculate the distances between two places. The matrices have helped the population quite a lot, since thanks to them, GPS...

explains life within the concentration camp, where prisoners were still people with dreams, such as eating well or reunitting with his family. Primo Levi, dedicates part of the chapters of the book to explain the life and situations of other colleagues in the concentration camp, in which aspects about the integrity of the prisoners are detailed, to which he cataloged among the sunk (the most depersonalized ), and the saved (who still had some personality). Some time later, Levi would be presented with an opportunity to work in a Lager chemical laboratory, an opportunity he accepted. While in the laboratory, he would avoid part of the previous physical works. Then, in October 1944, a selection was...

explain how the universe was created, one of them argues that the universe was not created by a divine being, but was born from the explosion of matter, this phenomenon is known as Big Bang.  Hawking's ideas were born in the way he perceives the world, that is, he based his theory on what for him is an absolute truth. So, to what extent does perception interfere with our worldview? Much of the human beings guide their behavior and their decisions according to what they consider correct or incorrect, this depends on the knowledge developed in the experiences and in some cases, in the parenting mode that our parents used, here the ethics enters as an areaof knowledge.  conclusion For Stephen...

explained and discussed. In other words, you must explain why the study and the action plan carried out to do so. In this second phase of the report, the steps that have been carried out must be explained in order to reach the study results. The writing of this part of the report must allow another individual to carry out exactly the same study based on what is written in this document. Therefore, in this phase of the report the following aspects must be collected: Origin of data and individuals participating in the study in question The instruments and mechanisms that were used for the elaboration of the study. If any mechanism or tool were new, all the details should be given so that another...

Explain to both parties that is mediation and what are their rules. They are also informed of the possible alternatives to solve the conflict so that if they want to continue using mediation they do it because they really want. Second stage: The reason for the conflict and the point of view of each participant is valued. Third stage This is a negotiation stage in which similar or equal views are sought between both parties or are built if there are no. Fourth stage At this stage an agreement is negotiated that must be reviewed by legal advisors and once all are compliant and begins to be complied with. The stages of mediation in the school context are quite similar: Finally, we will try to...